August 1, folks. This looks like it deserves a chance.
I absolutely love the Animated Series (probably more than the Dark Knight trilogy). That said, Timm and company will need to be very careful how they do Harley Quinn. I have no issue with her being Asian but she is a character that is almost always over the top. They will need to guard against slipping into Asian stereotypes which can easily happen even from well intentioned people.
Always nice to meet a fellow Batman TAS fan! Yes, they will need to be careful with Harley in more ways than one. Namely, with Bruce Timm involved, he might force an awkward romance with some of the characters. Then he’ll criticize other’s work while praising himself. He’s kind of Bob Kane the 2nd and our own Richard Maibaum in that regard.
Amazon announcing another series. Cautiously optimistic for this one.
I believe Costner.
Visually impressive, and if they can tell an interesting story from the source material, good.
But all these fantasy power struggles on HBO, sorry, max, point to Game of Thrones ruining their fantasy storytelling for some time now.
Yes, I never liked GoT, found it an overhyped bore which merely existed to offer soft corn porn amid cruelty, terribly pontificating dialogue and unlikeable characters.
Which will probably make me endure now cries of „shame“.
Was Game of Thrones even really fantasy? I always read it as political thriller in a fantasy setting. One could replace dragons with nuclear weapons and magic with espionage/terrorist techniques and tell much the same story without major narrative loss. As such it’s saying more about our idea of our own world and how it works than exploring a fantasy.
I’ve just been binging Stranger Things Season 2 (rare thing for me) - and doesn’t that show simply sample the entire 80s?
Rockford P.I.
Class of 1984
The Fog
Close Encounters
to name but a few. Literally the entire boomer childhood in a handy package of nine fairly entertaining episodes.
Those references stirred in one tasty pot definitely remain entertaining in the following seasons.
Stephen King meets Steven Spielberg meets John Carpenter meets…
Glad to hear it. This show really hits the sweet spot of our generation - and seems to connect with younger audiences at the same time. And all these inspirations seem to flow naturally from the narrative without them pausing to applaud themselves for how clever they are. The show just runs with its premise like the old 50s monster flicks did.
Best of all, it’s not some overblown CGI action spectacle. Effects are used with care and aren’t the USP of the series.
We watched a couple of episodes of NewsRadio last night. I’d forgotten how great that series was. But I can’t watch it without being reminded of Phil Hartman’s tragic end.
Same here! It was never a ratings hit, but it was always funny. It is hard to watch Phil in a lot of things considering what happened to him. Nice, talent guy, who got taken away from us 26 years ago today. He is missed in more ways than one.
I didn’t realize that today was the 26th anniversary. Heartbreaking.
This is highly interesting - also when you consider how old the average Bond film fan might be…