Forum Game: The Ultimate James Bond Quote Conversation

“Do those blue eyes still recognize you?”

“Something about six foot two, a hundred and ninety pounds - with brown eyes.”

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“And a cello.”

“Assuming one has a convenient pocket.”

“ What are you trying to say? “

“You swim like a man.”

“That comes from growing up in a rough neighborhood.”


“That comes from not growing up at all”

“You’re like boys with toys”

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“A toy helicopter?”

“I have six.”

“Six bullets to your one.”

“And you’ve had your six.”

“Three, none that fly.”

" What do we do now? "

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“Dinner. 8 o’clock. Black tie.”

" The fried mushroom looks terribly interesting! "

“Well, that’s peasant food for us, but with champagne it’s OK.”

" Bollinger? If it’s ’69, you were expecting me. "