Movies: Presumably 2024, maybe Beyond

I don’t think it’s limited. There’s no reason that they can’t find someone who can come up with a story that takes Croft on some kind of globetrotting adventure and have this happen on some kind of regular basis. They’ve done it for the Bond movies for years.

The story for the game that they based the last film around is actually pretty entertaining. They just did a lousy job of adapting it. It’s got a nice mix of the reboot elements that you’d expect from the type of story it is, the classic adventure elements that such a story demands, and a touch of the supernatural as well. Yes, it’s told over a long video game, so of course cuts had to be made, but they cut the story down to the absolute bare minimum and it was almost unrecognizable from its source material.

I think the Uncharted games show that there’s life out there for this kind of film (those games are essentially animated films), if it’s done correctly. Haven’t seen the film for Uncharted, but I haven’t heard good things, which would lead me to believe that, as with most video game adaptations, it comes down to budget and writing. These films are often not given the budgets necessary to compete with their non-videogame-inspired counterparts and the writing is usually just atrocious, and they keep recycling the same writers for multiple video game movies under a false narrative that these people understand the genre because they have experience in it.


MGM, again with a great idea: „Hey, make a Russian the protagonist. People love Russians these days, don’t they?“

I loved the CREED spin-offs. But at some point you really have to end ths franchise.

But, yeah, IP.

Speaking of this… pushed back is never a good sign.

Also known as “WB gives Ben Affleck a blank check so no-one thinks about Amber Heard or Ezra Miller”


Its an especially bad sign when Jordan is making his directorial debut (while also starring) with this film.

I also wonder if this is a franchise that has any legs beyond Sylvester Stallone. He’s the driving force behind everything ROCKY. With this the first film in the franchise to not have Stallone, it’s not a good sign that it’s been delayed.


Feels like bad testscreening results, especially after PR had already begun.

I wasn’t sure how far along they were into making the film. It’s not really on my radar, especially without Stallone’s involvement. Heck, I haven’t even seen CREED II yet. It’s been sitting on the shelf collecting dust for however long it’s been available on Blu-ray.

It finished filming in April, but I don’t necessarily see the move as a bad sign.

As it stood it was opening within 2 weeks of Black Panther, so it’s understandable to move it away from that. And if they didn’t have faith in it they’d move it to streaming (hello Amazon Prime), but they’re keeping it theatrical, which says a lot nowadays. They want people to see this movie…


You should make time to see CREED 2.

It could not have the surprise factor of the first movie, of course, but it is a very satisfying sequel and uses ROCKY IV very well.

Been meaning to catch it, just haven’t gotten around to it. To be honest, I was pretty much fearing the worst from it as it seems a bit hokey to once again be revisiting legacy ROCKY characters in which should be a somewhat new take on that world. I’ll get around to it at some point, though.

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I actually think he is right.

Sure, he earned millions with ROCKY.

But he is Rocky.

And a producer who cuts him out and now even wants to milk a Drago-Spin-Off out of it does not inspire confidence in me.

As a screenwriter I always have to sell all my rights to a story to a producer. Often, I don’t think it is a fair deal, just because I was paid once for my ideas, that someone else can milk it endlessly without paying me again.


I definitely think he’s right about the situation with Winkler cutting him out like he’s supposedly doing - but the shot at Lundgren felt a little below the belt to me. His appearance in Creed II was ok but his appearance in Drago isn’t?

I loved Lundgren in CREED II.

But it will be a conflict of interest for Lundgren to go for DRAGO, especially after Stallone cast him in THE EXPENDABLES.

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I’m sure Connery had a dialect coach for THFRO :roll_eyes:

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It’s almost as if it is not Marilyn Monroe who plays Marilyn Monroe. Outrage!

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Or pretty much everyone in Valkyrie.

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For those who have time to be outraged by completely pointless things:


So, the Estate and the Producers of a film are standing behind their decision while the fans are upset over their casting of a talented performer in an iconic role…

Nope…I can’t relate to anything like that.

:thinking: :wink: