Movies: Presumably 2024, maybe Beyond


Nobody wanted to do that, and it was only a treatment. The financing alone, for shooting two Bond films back to back, would have been an enormous problem. And nobody thought Logan‘s treatment was the way to go.


The Creator flopped. And Edwards was chosen because the producers wanted a director they can push around.

At this point, it’s great for any director to land a high profile job, of course. But poor Edwards will have Rogue One-flashbacks on this extremely rushed production. A release of a special effects-overload film like this next summer already?

I hope he is getting top dollar for that nerve-, spirit- and health-wrecking job.

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Studios secondguessing, meddling, panicking… nothing has changed.



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A “group of investors” have purchased the Fox Village Westwood Theater. That is quite a photo!


Loosely related to movies of the future - or rather the future of (indie) movies in general…

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Steven Spielberg said jump?

Nope, it was Jason Reitman who put it together

I mean, I was joking, but that’s a kind of cool thing to know.

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So, this is how a Bond production can travel around the world in the most extravagant set from now on…

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This OpenAI´s Sora really will be revolutionary for film production, to a degree that too many in the industry are not yet realizing - but it will steamroll them all.

For Bond films it will open up the possibility to cut down on costs, travel, time, even make-up immensely, and therefore it will be used.

However, the many below-the-line people involved in Bond productions, the big “family” Cubby always insisted on growing and tending to, will suffer and be out of a job in devastating numbers.

So weird to see the development of AI come so much more quickly and with so many consequences.


I’m fairly convinced most of the scripted tv-format productions we currently know - soaps, afternoon crime, game shows, medical dramas so on, so forth - could soon be written by AI. Possibly with some streamlining by producers and/or directors. At first. But writing rooms will likely change to prompt shops in the not too distant future.

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That is probably another consequence - although one I would, not only for personal reasons, consider as horrible, since AI can only regurgitate what it is fed.

But what Tyler Perry refers to I do think can be helpful for big budgeted fare like Bond: no big crew traveling around the world, just AI putting the actors in any “country” they want while enabling them to go home after work. It probably will require a new way of acting, just like green screen demands actors to immerse themselves into something which isn’t there.


I am old, and perfectly content with the style of acting currently in use:


Think bigger. This might all go into completely new directions.

Imagine this: we get a new Bond movie, and it’s totally irrelevant who plays him. The basic character is played by some name- and faceless guy, and people just book the actor they want to see in the role (and other characters), AI will do the rest. Connery or Moore forever. Our fantasy casting threads might become reality sooner than expected. You book the basic film, at a standard fee, and the final price will depend on the actor(s) you chose. And there’ll certainly be a market for adapting older movies for this technology…

But what’ll come first is something that won’t affect the U.S. or UK market that much: Dubbing won’t be necessary any more: AI will make the actors speak in any desired language with their own voice and also create the right lip movements - the dubbing actors will become obsolete.

And many other things… :confused:


So I finally get the actor in the role of Bond that I want to see: myself (just a matter of bringing a few holiday videos and photos to the cinema)!


And, of course, this will happen…

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