Admittedly my Star Wars fandom has waned, but TLJ is the best of the sequel trilogy in every aspect. A lot of the discourse around Luke missed the mark. “He’s not exactly the same as he was 30 years ago therefore it sucks.” Some things stay the same but through age and new experiences we’re bound to see the world differently, become jaded, etc. That’s reality. Philip Pullman did the same with Lyra in The Secret Commonwealth. But it’s just too hard for some to accept.
I hope it is great.
But those „first reactions“ even the trades feature these days are almost always twitter plants or clickbait.
I would not be surprised if the real reviews are less enthusiastic.
Seconded. A third great Alien film would certainly be most welcome but, sadly, I feel unlikely. I’m struggling to see how they can create a new and interesting angle to make it work.
It looks like an ad for deodorant.
Look! Sony Marvel has their equivalent of Wolverine! And he’s all dour and full of rage. And lots of CGI blood. And Rhino. I apparently don’t possess a button for this trailer to push.
Did anyone have a craving (hah!) for a humorless brute who is constantly reminded that „a MAN comes around“? And really, ATJ always tilting his head so he can look imposing (even sillier), with the not manly voice almost cut out of this - hard pass.
With all the fake Russian accents this looks like one of those C-movie imitations at the bottom of the videostore pile.
The reviews seem to be holding up on the initial impressions…
Judging from heavy spoilers on the Interweb, I would say it’s exactly the kind of film this director is known for: well executed horror for those who love their gore amped up. Unfortunately, its set on the playground of the Alien-franchise, with FRANCHISE being the key word here. It’s rehashing the ideas which were once scary and disturbing, turning it into a theme park ride, and that’s enough for today’s audiences.
I‘m sure many of those will say it’s better than that boring and slow first film they fast forwarded through on Netflix.
Sounds a lot like the Bond franchise as of late.
I doubt very much I’ll like this new Alien film. Couldn’t stand the Evil Dead remake from this director. Would much rather see them just let Ridley Scott finish up his vision for the franchise, for better or worse, and then just let it be.
I think a re-read is in order for me…
The scene photos alone give me a lot of hope that this will be great (and that studio politics once again reveal that the beancounters don’t give a shit about their „product“).
I agree. I recently did a re-read of 'Salem’s Lot (my 4th time overall) and was reminded of how truly great it is—one of King’s best. While I still think the source material is better suited to a longer format approach (mini-series vs standalone film), a good writer/director should be able to streamline the book into something very satisfying inside of a 2-hour runtime.
Just as long as we don’t find out this is Phase 1 of the Kingverse and Pennywise shows up a the post-credits scene. It’s the multiverse too, of course, so it’s Tim Curry.
But then they would not have hidden/dumped the film on max.
Yes, I fear the same. Although the pedigree of the writer/director would seem to indicate otherwise. We’ll see soon enough, but I fear disappointment.