Reboot? Remake? Retro? Which direction should the series take next?

Moonraker Reaction – TJ At The Movies


Had to be shot that way as it was an intended reference to Don’t Look Now :smirk:


Made me think of the museum scene in CR too. Suppose that’s fair when you lay the scenes side by side. All about balance though. You wouldn’t want him operating in crowds all the time.

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From the scene that once and for all established Bond’s bonafides as a “covert agent.”



It would have been nice to have a scene in which the PR department of Mi6 had to come up with cover stories for that.


It was a film shoot. :man_shrugging:t3:


To lessen the traffic in the canals we were testing a new transport method which still gives tourists that typical Venice feeling.


Or just do what they normally do in these kind of situations: just deny everything and say that it never happened and that it probably was some kind of mass hysteria.


It was a training exercise.


…under extremely sharp conditions.


By the by, WTAF are those swords in the coffin for?


The killer would have leapt to the gondola if Bond had missed, and engaged him in a duel. Of course, Bond was not going to miss, but if the swords were not there, some fan would have complained: “Where are more weapons in case Bond misses?”

Fun fact: Drax had a deal with Morton Slumber to modify the the half-couch, hinge-panel, slumber-on casket into a weapon-equipped version.

Game recognizes game.


That guy looks like an old Cary Grant!

Cary Grant was asked to play Bond once.

Damn, DAF really fires on all cylinders.


Different situations call for different weapons, and Coffin Guy has a lot of stops to make on his rounds today. Bond is just his 10AM appointment.

Of course now the schedule is shot to Hell…


Is the general public satisfied that James Bond is over?


Is the general public satisfied that James Bond is over?

Well, anyway outside of boards like this I’m not convinced the general public is hungry, let alone starving, for another Bond movie. I’m sure they’d go see one if it were released, but I doubt they’re pulling their hair out during this prolonged hiatus, if they even perceive it as such.

I know it’s not quite apples to apples, but I remember in the early 90s when DC Comics “killed off” Superman, they reaped the benefits of worldwide headlines and sold a lot of copies of the “death” issue, but for years afterwards if I brought up the character, non-readers would stop me with, “Wait, isn’t he dead?” Or “I thought they stopped printing those comics.” It’s certainly possible that the ending to NTTD – which is likely known even to many who did not actually see the movie – followed by years and years of inactivity has indeed convinced some that the series is finished, and that a good number of those folks are absolutely fine with that “fact.” Which could mean Eon will have to start from scratch again should they ever opt to make a 26th film.


Exactly. If the movie seems of the moment, and is marketed with aplomb, Bond having been dispatched previously will not matter.


Reversing this train of thought (series dead to the world? < Bond dead in NTTD < knife thrower dead in the coffin), I wonder why Coffin Guy went to the trouble of applying makeup to make himself look more cadaver-like? Was it to freak out his victims and add an extra moment to grab a weapon while they’re frozen in fear? Was it to pass some sort of inspection by the authorities who might check to ensure there’s really a corpse in the box? (And if so, wouldn’t the presence of all those blades raise an alarm?) Was it just a style choice because the guy had a theatrical bent? Did he moonlight as the host of a horror movie TV show? Has he just spent so much time in the box that the lack of sunlight has ruined his complexion?

As far as that goes, how does he know it’s time to pop out and throw the knife? And why does he waste the first one on the gondolier?

So many questions, so little need to answer any of them. Moonraker transcends analysis.


When I talk to people I haven’t met for a while, questions about the current state of the Bond franchise are among the first things that come up. But also people I meet on a reguar basis, friends, neighbours, co-workers, even my boss, keep asking from time to time.

Based on that, I’d say that the general public doesn’t think he’s really dead and excpects (and is looking forward to) a new movie.


I will say that perhaps the general public is at the moment somewhat distracted. There are a number of strains on ordinary Joes and Janes, coming at them from all sides - and while many concerns may turn out to be temporary it is maybe one of those ‘old world dying, new world struggling to be born’ moments where even those not inclined to closely follow world affairs are feeling something’s up.

No doubt, were BOND 26 coming to cinemas next December people would take notice, interest would start simmering again and folks would watch it. But actually outside our circles I don’t get the impression there’s definite demand to have Bond relaunched right at the moment.


But do they bring it up with you because they’re interested, and would have had the same conversation with anyone they met on the street, at a party or on the bus? Or do they bring it up because they know you’re a Bond enthusiast and figure it probably matters a lot TO YOU?

I’d venture to say that most of us are known by our friends and families to be Bond fans, and thus the topic is going to come up whenever they hang out with us. In that sense, we may be the poorest judges of what the “average Joe” thinks or is interested in, because on the other side of every conversation we have is someone thinking, “This is the person who loves Bond movies. Ask them about Bond movies.”