Bond’s Literary News

Glad to hear it.

For the rest of the 70th anniversary year, what other announcements do you honestly expect? Books, movies, all James Bond guesses are welcome!

I think more and more that IFP might do two book series at once: one with a Adult Bond and another with spinoff character(s). I think that Kim Sherwood’s 2nd book will be announced soon as she’s currently at least editing it and she started writing her 3rd. As for Charlie Higson and the future. I hope he writes more modern day novels, and possibly a spinoff novel for a character. He listed Blofeld and Irma Bunt as two of his favorite villains. I think he should write them in a modern day novel.

I think that’s been it, honestly. We’ll hear about the Kim Sherwood book but that’s already known and not really a part of the 70th thing…

Re: On His Majesty’s U.S. release - IFP said on Twitter today “eBook & audio (read by Charlie himself) versions will be released in the US on 4 May, and we hope to have news on physical editions soon…”


That’s “His Royal Highness” to us non-royals.


Nah, we won the war :wink:


He’s lost that title. It’s saved for kids and spouses. I’m British (well, Northern Irish, I’m Schrödinger’s Brit/Irish atm) and only found that out because of a stand up show

That’s not the episode, but one he calls his cat HRH because that’s not the title a Queen can have apparently.

UK Forces News coverage of the 70th Anniversary:


The year of missteps continues - IFP just released a promotional video for the limited edition Casino Royale, and apparently didn’t notice that there’s an audio watermark running through it. That most likely means they used the demo version of a song rather than paying for the official version. Stay classy, IFP!



Classy indeed…

As we are less than a week away from Ian Fleming’s 115th birthday, do you think we will get an announcement from IFP or EON? I think we could from IFP. Kim Sherwood is doing a lot of press with her writing career for awhile. I think Book 2 will officially be titled soon.

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As we are less than a month away from James Bond Day on October 5th, do you think we will get an announcement from IFP or EON?

Here’s one.

I completely forgot about JB Day on October 5th. Was anything announced, or released? I don’t think it was, can’t find anything interesting.

Just a James Bond location book. For 100 pounds.


Wow! That looks like a beautiful book, although I see a lot of the same pictures, which are used in almost every photo book about the Bond movies. I ordered one at the Assouline site.


Just half an hour ago the book was already delivered by the postman. That was quick! Ordered it three days ago! Very well packed and with a thank you note. The book is sealed and I will nog open it, because I think I will ask it for Christmas, or my birthday. My wife is very ill and she let me choose a few gifts, in case she won’t be there in a few months due to her illness.


Thoughts and prayers for you and your wife at this time. Bond is great escapism from tough times like that. We’re here for you.

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Care and thoughts to you.

Hoping everything goes as well as it can for both you and your wife. I cannot imagine what this must be like for. Sending you warm thoughts.

I got free from my work to take care of her. I was actually on holiday at first, but that came to an end when my wife had an eleptic fit. She has had cancer for several years and the doctors gave up on her two years ago. In Belgium she was able to follow several courses, but unfortunately that ended two months ago and now she is unfortunately in her final phase. She sleeps in the living room and I sleep a few meters next to her on the couch. This is how the past three weeks have passed. On this site I find some relaxation every afternoon and read all your opinions for distraction and to cheer me up. Thanks for that.