Bond’s Literary News

Prayers for you both.


Terrible days. All the best to you two.

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My deepest and sincerest sympathies. We had a similar case in the close family last year, so I have an idea of what you’re going through. I wish you lots of strength, you’re going to need it. Thoughts and prayers with you.


Sorry to hear that. Best of luck to you both. Thoughts and prayers for you and her and your family.

I’m sorry to hear that. I wish you both well.

Thank you, guys, you’re the best!



The comments on IFP’s social media posts are always just brutal. Bond fans are NOT happy with their decision to do the edits.

C’mon IFP, at least sell BOTH…


IFP says in their latest newsletter: “Trust that our 2024 strategy is approved and ready to put into action. I do believe I’ll be able to share some of it with you in January – we have some exciting missions planned.”


I think that this is IFP getting ready to promote A Spy Like Me, honestly. I think that there’s more hidden messages in the message. Let’s hope that it’s not more Bond books being censored. Well, let’s start: what do you want or think will happen with James Bond in 2024?

I think we’ll get some screenplay writers for Bond 26.

Thing is that such an announcement is not IFPs business. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Sorry I was just talking Bond in general in 2024. My mistake.

For the time being I have a hard time thinking of exciting lit Bond news. The best Bond stories place him in unique, new situations - as clueless victim in From Russia, undercover in On Her Majesty’s, as a Japanese fisherman in You Only Live Twice - and that’s seldom the case in the continuations. Standing orders by the powers that be seem to keep a safe distance from the boundaries and never ever break the mould. The best of Fleming wouldn’t have seen light had he played his game safe.

What I now would like to read is a Bond adventure going beyond the strict conventions of the 007 template: Bond framed as a murderer - or actually having murdered somebody. Bond in alternate history where he isn’t a secret agent. Bond in retirement escaping booze and/or jealous husbands, something along these lines. But I have no idea which writer - and Bond fan - would be up for it, even if IFP agreed.


The exciting news will come. It will just take time. As for your Bond adventure ideas, those are interesting suggestions. We should be thankful that we get Bond novels. If we didn’t we would be complaining. Plus, every author has tried to make Bond different, as they should. Everyone views James Bond differently. I still hope for a villain spinoff and modern day Bond novels, the fans will want them, and give them a chance.

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I would be fine with '24 just bringing new editions of the Gardner and Benson books…


As long as they aren’t edited for woke people.

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DoubleShot handled that plotline rather well in my estimations, even if it leaned heavily on emulating FRWL’s general premise of revenge. Benson placed Bond in turmoil while still providing entertainment in a modern setting, putting SPECTRE in the rear view mirror.


Agreed. Although I’ll admit it’s been a long time since I read that novel, I do remember being quite entertained by it at the time.

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I don’t know if anyone other than me has the Destinations book, but as i said before:
I got it for my birthday and it is a realy beautifull book with a lot of great pictures in it, including from NTTD.
I can really recommend it, despite the fairly high price, it is definitely worth the purchase.
On the other hand: that book “James Bond Will Return Critical Perspectives on the 007 Film Franchise” also costs more than a hundred euros in HC. I received it today and I’m glad I opted for the cheaper paperback version. Compared to that, the price of the other book is not too bad.


IFP’s plans for 2024:

As we make our way through the cold and blustery days of January, instead of lighting our 70th cigarette of the day, let’s instead look ahead to what’s coming in 2024. We’re very excited to share with you our plans for the year ahead and stay tuned for some surprises in the months to come…

Our first 2024 title to announce is a new eBook-only omnibus that collects Raymond Benson’s six original Bond novels together into a single eBook.

James Bond: The Raymond Benson Yearsincludes the classic books Zero Minus Ten, The Facts of Death, High Time to Kill, DoubleShot, Never Dream of Dyingand The Man with the Red Tattoo.

James Bond: The Raymond Benson Yearswill be published on 26 February.

Next up, we’re thrilled to announce that on 6 June, just in time for King Charles’ official birthday, we’ll be publishing a paperback edition of Charlie Higson’s Sunday Times bestselling On His Majesty’s Secret Service. The paperback edition will feature some exclusive new content, and we’ll be sharing the new cover soon. As with the hardback, all royalties from the new edition will continue to go to support the work of the National Literacy Trust.

2024 marks 60 years since the publication of Ian Fleming’s classic children’s story about a flying car and the adventure of a lifetime, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. To celebrate this anniversary, we’ll be publishing a new paperback edition of this beloved tale on 13 June. Aimed at young readers and featuring brand new illustrations, it’s not the only thing we have planned this year to celebrate the world’s most famous flying car… Keep an eye on the skies, as we’ll be revealing both the illustrator and cover of the new paperback version soon!

In time for James Bond Day in October, we’ll be releasing fourteen beautiful new hardback editions of Ian Fleming’s original Bond stories. From Casino Royale to Octopussy, start clearing some space on your shelves! Stay tuned for word on some exciting surprises, including the artist of the new covers…

Our friends over at the Folio Society also have something special in store for you this year, but our lips are sealed for now.