Double Or Nothing by Kim Sherwood out 1st September 2022

Honestly,it really is not a problem! It was certainly worth a try! As a certain other 007 author said " win,lose or die"


The Spanish Edition ‘Doble o Nada’ will be released on 23 February, 2023.

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She’s currently editing the second book in the 00 trilogy. I’d guess a title reveal will be April.

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How did it sell?

Not sure honestly. We’re getting a sequel either way.

It also still hasn’t released in the US, so I imagine that might boost the sales numbers.

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Finally finished it but that is a sign that I kept putting it down and reading other things in the interim. Competent product I guess, but very busy, none-too-subtle and ultimately the usual anticipointment.


Possible announcement tonight. IFP are tagged in her tweet.

Release day here in the U.S.! Downloaded my digital copy this morning. With that, Ms. Sherwood was interviewed on the Bond Experience YouTube channel:

James Bond is Missing! DOUBLE OR NOTHING...the Journey Continues with Kim Sherwood! - YouTube

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I live in the U.S.

Me ordering from Amazon US:

Me ordering from Amazon UK:

I wish I understood the publishing industry better :man_shrugging:

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Finished Double or Nothing last night, not bad, not bad at all. I like the world Ms. Sherwood created, and I can’t wait for her second book. My only issue is her writing style. There were several points where I had to re-read a section to pick up some detail buried in text the that I missed earlier. I got used to it as I went along, so I’ll be better prepared for her next book.


Possible announcement? I hope so!

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UK paperback


Like the title.

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