It is with very heavy hearts and with such great sadness that we report the death on 12 May 2022 of Evan Willnow. Evan was 58 years old.
Evan, both under his own name and the username Mister Asterix, was a leading and guiding light for from its very earliest days at the start of the century and, although submitting more infrequently of late, remained a good friend of the site and a dear personal friend to many longstanding members.
As far as the site is concerned, Evan’s particular legacy lies in its distinctive design and the tireless work he put in - usually single-handed and without thought of reward, just for the joy of being a James Bond fan - but this should not ignore his less immediately visible impact, being the evenly-tempered way in which discussions are handled here. Something of the spirit of the site has now sadly passed, although it remains our responsibility to uphold and honour, accordingly.
We will miss you enormously, our friend.
Our condolences to Evan’s family and friends, and our thoughts are with you all.
Rest in Peace, dear Evan.
The team and all members of