Exploding pen line in Skyfall

Just had a thought,I know Q’s line about an exploding pen in Skyfall is a nod to Goldeneye, but could it also be a dig at NSNA?

Well, let me put it this way, Silver - is NSNA even worthy of a dig…???


Now that is a very good point!

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I like how there’s a nice arch with Q throughout Skyfall, Spectre and No Time To Die. In Skyfall he’s very arrogant, dismissive of old school gadgets (exploding pens, etc.) and overly reliant on computer technology. Later in SF his hubris is exploited by Silva when Q plugs the laptop directly into the MI6 system allowing Silva to hack it. Having learned his lesson Q is now making exploding watches and rebuilding the DB5 in Spectre which we see tricked out in No Time To Die. He’s also more careful with computers and has a separate “sandbox” for unknown USB drives.

He also helps save the world in his pajamas before his first sip of Earl Grey.