Forum Game: The Ultimate James Bond Quote Conversation

‘‘Tell him James Bond is here…now!’’

" All right, keep your hair on. "

“Weren’t you blonde when I came in?”

“No earlobes…”

" Your powers of observation do you credit Mr. Bond "

" You forget I took a first in Oriental languages at Cambridge…"

“You first. You, second.”

“No, no, after you, Miles.”

“Well then you’re a bloody idiot!”

" But James, I need you. "

“You didn’t get the postcard?”

“Yes, I got the message.”

‘‘Oh good. I’m glad to hear that.’’

“Shoud’ve called“

“You may find it rather difficult to hear under water.”

“I didn’t know there was a pool down there.”

“Such a flatterer, James.”

“You’re an ugly little man. Why don’t you stop talking?”

" So that’s what I’ve been doing wrong all these years."

“Amongst certain other things.”