Forum Game: The Ultimate James Bond Quote Conversation

" Can’t you just say ’ hello ’ like a normal person? "

“May the peace of Allah descend upon this abode and allow a poor traveler to enter.”

“May all your allergies be swiftly cured.”

“Take the combi-pen and inject it in your neck.”

“Do me a favor, will you? Throw that down the toilet. Cut out the middleman.”

" What a helpful chap. "

“Flattery will get you nowhere. But don’t stop trying.”

“The brief glimpse you’ve afforded me today will only encourage me to redouble my efforts.”

" So what did you learn from Aubergine before his untimely demise?? "

“He’s not a very good caddy.”

“Well if you believe that, why did you come back?”

“You know, I’ve missed your sparkling personality.”

“Look how small you’ve gotten!”

“I may be small but I never forget!”

“That’s my little octopussy.”

“Is my little girl hot and ready?”

“No papa. Whatever happens, there will be no regrets.”


“…but when you start stealing moon machines from Willard Whyte, goodbye and good luck!”

" I wonder with what’ll the CIA be more upset - that they lost it, or that we found it?"

“There’s not one person at MI6 who isn’t talking about it.”