Forum Game: The Ultimate James Bond Quote Conversation

“What’s the matter, sailor? Never seen a major taking a shower before?”

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“The list is endless”

“No plane, no train–nothing that moves.”

“I trust you have a car.”

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“It’s had its day, I’m afraid.”


“We could be on a plane and out of the country by tomorrow night. Rio, Hong Kong…”

“Up in the hills, down there.”

“I’m a little confused.”

“Let me help you.”

“You don’t have to worry about me, Mr. Bond - I went on a survival course in Siberia.”

" My dear uncooperative Domino. "

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“if he’s not executed at once, he’ll have your Domino turned over.”

“The spectre of defeat”


spectre. It’s name is spectre.

“How original.”

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“You were saying something about the lost art of interrogation Mr Bond?”

" Someone talked! "

“What about the stingers?!”