Forum Game: The Ultimate James Bond Quote Conversation

“Filthy stuff!”

“ I see you put your money where your mouth is! “

“Beirut, 69 - with a dancer name Saida.”

“Now that was a performance.”

“Mink -lined, with first-class service.”

‘ Some men don’t like to be taken for a ride ‘

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“Where’s your sense of adventure, James?”

“Actually sir, it is in Sardinia.”

“That’s too far apart. Now, if Hip doesn’t come up with a lead, there’s really nothing very much for us to do tonight.- or is there?”

“ Tell me James, do you still sleep with a gun under your pillow? “

“Thst depends on your definition of safe sex.”

“What a pity it is you persist in being so businesslike.”

“ The world is running out of oil, M. “

“Hurry, Commander - I’m not renown for my patience!”

“I’m a little tied up. Never mind.”

“ Are you finished? “

“You’re finished, Whittaker. If the Russians don’t get you, the Americans will.”

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“East, west, just points of the compass, each as stupid as the other.”

“And they say communists don’t know how to have fun.”

“That’s a laugh - everyone knows it builds up muscle tone.”

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