George Lazenby Returns to Spying


Too bad that the Jason Love books have not been filmed for television of cinema, not sure if this medium will do the books credit.

Well, there was the David Niven film of '65, but it would certainly work for television too. Perhaps as a Sunday night thing.

Love the Niven movie I would not have minded a few more with Niven himself.

Niven doesn’t really match the character as described in the book. The basic concept of a former military doctor pressed into service for the intelligence services and finding he’s good at it would be an interesting film or TV series to explore.

EDIT: That said, I too enjoyed the film version of Jason Love as played by Niven.

I would have loved a series with movie with Niven regardless of he fitted the part, I even consider Tom Cruise 2 Reacher movies pretty decent even if he does not fit the description.

Jason Love is certainly a creature of the last century will almost certainly attract a small group of watchers.