That’s what I mean with ‘collectible’ - the Lego market is an odd kettle of fish where items are priced beyond what we would normally expect to be toys, where models have their very own look and style - and can yet end up as presentation pieces on the desk of an architect or engineer. Or in the sandbox next to some battered Matchbox models.
Thing is, merchandise today turns up in every price segment of the market, there is nothing really exclusive any more, just varying degrees of walking as an add. The trick is to work all segments of the market, to offer something for everybody. That’s why comic figures and game characters come in ridiculously priced limited edition models these days. Articles whose worth is solely defined by what their customers want to shell out for them.
Which Lego figures do you think could come with the Aston Martin? I’m thinking Connery or Craig 007, Goldfinger and Oddjob, M and Silva are most possible.
If it’s really part of the (relatively higher end) “Technic” line, then there won’t be any figures.
And more’s the pity: I’d rather see more whimsy-oriented “Creator” kits with figures, given (he said beating the drum again) Lego offerings are never going to look screen-accurate, anyway.
I hope so. I don’t now nor have I ever had a problem with EON marketing kid-friendly Bond merchandise. My complaint has been that when they have done so, they’ve granted the license to some truly crappy, third-rate companies (like “Exclusive Premiere”). If they exercised a little quality control, we could see some awesome stuff that doesn’t break the bank.
At the very least, it’d be fun to have some product to look forward to in the long, long waits between movies.
Looks great from some angles and not so great from others. I’m a huge LEGO fan so I’ll still pick it up but I think it’s could have been better. Might be better in person.
I think the commitment to having the gadgets was commendable, even if it did necessitate the model being a bit boxier in some areas than it could’ve been otherwise.
Looks a bit like a Thunderbirds version, a JBAM 01…
I suppose the DB5 just isn’t the best model for a Lego project, at least not in this scale. But I’m sure it will find its fans and give enthusiasts a good time building it.
I think more people would have been disappointed if it DIDN’T have any of the gadgets built in. LEGO had to compromise between form and function and they put more emphasis on the fun. Which when you have an ejector seat and built in machine guns is completely understandable.
I had hopes for this…but it looks way too boxy and tank looking and I just looked at the price… $146.00 or roughly 112 pounds…Yikes! I’m not sure I would want to spend that kind of money on it…
It’s perhaps aimed primarily at the Lego brigade, and here at the overlap with Bond fans, not so much at the 007 fan who hasn’t touched a Lego brick in decades. Completists among collectors will no doubt also buy. Still, chances are this will be the most fun for those who already own numerous other Lego sets.
Yeah, I don’t mean to rain on anyone’s parade. If there are folks who are excited about this, I’m happy for them.
I just think given that Legos by their nature can never recreate an object with any great accuracy, it might be better to focus on more deliberately whimsical projects. For instance, last year (?) they put out a ginormous kit that recreated Wayne Manor and the Batcave from the 1966 “Batman” TV show and while it was highly detailed with tons of pieces and figures and vehicles, it also made only a cursory attempt at being “screen accurate.” The accent was on fun, and it’s adorable (or as adorable as possible for a $300+ “toy” you have to assemble yourself).
I’d love to see kits like that recreating things like Blofeld’s volcano lair or Drax’s space station or maybe Fort Knox.
I think that would be a rather fine idea. And I’m no Lego nerd at all.
The Lego stuff in that range, Batman and company, is always something slightly tongue-in-cheek, ironically removed and for-fun. The Connery and Moore films would be a perfect source for that kind of silly entertainment. And no doubt be great fun for Lego fans as for casual fans of Bond and die-hard ‘I need it all!’ collectors.