Movies: Presumably 2024, maybe Beyond

Sort of like being given all the tropes of Fleming’s fiction, adding any of the unused stories/ideas from previous EON productions, and then making a script out of them, but not a hodgepodge (ducking under my desk now).


A script, a hodgepodge. Who cares?

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The Meg

Yeah, the first one.

I had seen it back then and was lukewarm about it, possiblly because I had expected it to be more „Jaws“-like.

On second viewing I did enjoy it a lot, I must admit, because it really is more „Jurassic Park“-like. And the CGI is pretty great, so much better than in so many other films, especially recently. Also, it is wonderfully paced and throughout highly entertaining.

Now I want to see the sequel.

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Strangely enough I’m looking forward to seeing this more than any movie this year :wink:

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Why is Wiseau doing this to himself?


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Money, he needs something new to be paid to be ridiculed at film showings and appearances.

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Zack Snyder remixes Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Avatar, Dune and whatever…

This is what’s wrong with Netflix and the algorithm structure. You don’t get anything original, just a mishmash of everything you have already seen too many times.

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Joseph Sargent and James Bridges warned us in 1970 that an algorithm would turn out to be our overlord. And we didn’t listen!!!


Next up: “What do you mean, Terminator predicted this???”


The Terminator was an emissary of Colossus! You must know this!



Here’s something… a trailer that flat out admits the movie was created based on reading social media comments :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Debased immoral brutes asking for debased immoral brutality on screen which they think looks cool but in real life would send them crying to their basements.

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Are they going to properly pay their writers? And no more live action remakes! I hope.


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