Movies: Presumably 2024, maybe Beyond


Closing Night of the 61st New York Film Festival. Will report as always.


Looking forward to it!

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“We have people everywhere…” :wink:


It’s a shame that Taylor couldn’t have just made the film disappear entirely.

Speaking of which, they’ve dropped another trailer for it. They somehow managed to make a trailer that looks even more unappealing than the first one. I might buy a ticket for Taylor Swift’s film just to help fund the competition.

Weirdly, I am more intrigued by this second trailer, thinking about the possibilities this variation might offer to say something about the times we live in.

It might all be just hyper-edited drivel, of course, and the way this trailer is edited makes me afraid of this film only being another dumb jump scare marathon.

It is sad, definitely, to see how the contemplative pace of the original with its iconic effect on audiences gave studios only one idea in the following decades: LOUDER, FASTER, GROSSER. Even diminishing box office resulted only in: EVEN LOUDER, FASTER, GROSSER.

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Horror movie season is here and Salems Lot is still MIA. Just an odd situation with this, especially when Warner can easily throw it up on Max…


You’d almost have to think that it’s going to join Batgirl as the next WB tax write-off.

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Yeah I thought about that too but you’ve got to think if that was the plan that they would have just done it back with Batgirl as that’s when they needed to clear such a large amount of money from the books.

With all this time having passed you think they would have fixed it, dumped it to Max, sold it to another service, or taken the tax write off. But just sitting on it???

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Maybe they’re saving the tax write off for the last minute depending on what happens with the writer’s and SAG-AFTRA strikes.


A great novel, a famous IP. Was it screwed up during production or afterwards?

Really sad waste of fantastic source material.

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I hate to say this, but I’m starting to believe this. One critical or financial flop from a writer/director, and they kicked off a Star Wars project.