Movies: Presumably 2024, maybe Beyond

After the horrible 2022 entry I thought this is over.

Three years later…


To paraphrase Ian Malcolm: Greed will find a way.

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Somehow I missed this trailer before - and I must say this is the most Coen classic like since Lebowski. And I love it. Ethan without Joel=more Coen?

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I loved the first one, was bored with the second one.

This prequel, while offering flashy visuals, seems like the umpteenth variation of invasion stories.

Also, when you think about it: not making any noise is impossible for a longer time. And to stop oneself from coughing is completely ridiculous.

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Meh. Like I said before, I just hope it’s not Colin Trevorrow. Less of a workmanlike/check box director, and someone fresh. And push the release date back, for more time than barely a year.

I liked his 3, but I do agree it should be a new director with an idea of what they want to do. I mean, even Steven Spielberg struggled with making a second one.


Happy Super Sports Ball Day

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Every single one of these trailers elicit only one reaction in me:

US mainstream cinema has finally become the equivalent of an obnoxious, constantly blabbering and seat-kicking moviegoer, pumped up on sugar drinks and diabetes-inducing snacks, while searching for cell phone-second screen thrills to keep the ADD-sickened brain stimulated.

There is not one original idea or shot in any of these trailers. It´s like being thrown into a recycling factory. The studios don’t care, they are like addicts in a casino, screaming ALL ON NUMBER 13, IT WORKED BEFORE EVEN IF I DON´T KNOW WHEN ANYMORE!


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Its a very nice cast.

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Worse than the last one :face_vomiting:. When did it become a bad thing to look at the comics drawings before casting?

Great. Another Bourne movie potentially coming our way for the media to claim that EON has ripped off.

If there’s a franchise that’s run its course, it’s this one. The first one was the only good one. The rest of these are among some of the most overrated action movies out there.


Since it is in development, I would predict that Berger at some point will be replaced. In the end, it will get made, maybe completely rebooted with another actor, and an action director will make it as un-special as one fears.

As you say, this franchise is done.

Edit: It’s worse - Damon states that Berger has an idea for Bourne and is developing it. Berger, of course, wants to capitalize on his success with last year’s „Western Front“ and goes for the commercial blockbuster genre. Only, it’s a year later, and if he could not get a high profile gig after the Oscars it’s unlikely the studios will use him now. I would expect Universal to say: An idea for Bourne? That’s terrific, Ed, go and do it! (Behind closed doors: We already have five writers with full drafts competing, and we still don’t see anything promising. Ah, well, let this German guy earn a little development money. Maybe he scores again with a little award movie, and then we’ll see how we can use him. Bourne without Damon is a no go, and Bourne with Damon is tired and used up, even he would only do it if his career tanks. If he weren’t in Oppenheimer now…)

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