Movies: Presumably 2024, maybe Beyond

But maybe he’s “more of a problem eliminator”?

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Looks like work will begin on the next Benoit Blanc movie.


Found this one that also includes the International Trailer (it’s the first of the two trailers in this video, the one posted by @Arbogast777 above follows it), which is quite different from the North American trailer.

Both trailers look awesome. Love that they seem to have gotten Bill Murray back for something that looks like it will be more than the brief cameo I figured he would return for, if he had returned at all (I figured he was completely done with it after the last one). He’s probably not in it much, but I can tell from the trailer that he’s in it much more than I would have ever thought he would agree to, which is awesome.

Love that they’re clearly leaning on The Real Ghostbusters for inspiration. They should be able to get some mileage out of that.

Just generally, I’m pumped for this. I never thought I’d live to see a Ghostbusters 3, and we got that, and I’m seriously glad I got to see that one with my dad. Won’t get to see this one with him, but just the fact that I’m sitting here actually looking at footage from Ghostbusters 4 is just absolutely wild.

And, I also just have to say that I want whatever it is that Ernie Hudson is taking these days. That man looks absolutely amazing at 78.


I can’t remember if it was here or another place I posted this before but I happen to live down the street from Ernie.

I will tell you this - the man and his wife walk A LOT. In the summer it’s around the neighborhood and now, since we live in a cold climate, it’s inside our mall. He always wears a backpack but I don’t know if it’s to add weight or if it has water, etc.

I will try to sneak a pic next time :wink:


Good for him. Now, to go find my walking shoes. :sweat_smile: In all seriousness, that’s probably something that I’ll be taking up more here in the near future. Need to make some improvements in that area anyway.

That’s awesome that you live near Ernie. Now that you mention it here again, I feel like I remember hearing you mention it before. From everything I’ve seen of him, he seems like a pretty cool guy and genuinely seems to appreciate the fans.


This is actually funny… he posted this on Twitter a couple years ago… if it hadn’t been snowing you would have been able to see my house over his right shoulder. I was probably hunkered down inside reading CBn. My 15mins of fame.


This seems closer to what I hoped Afterlife would be. Frozen Empire is at least back in New York and seems to give the original cast bigger roles rather than glorified cameos. I might give it a chance.


I hope it will be great. It’s the only movie sequel I am looking forward to this year.


As for Bill Murray, remember that he was the main reason that we didn’t get Ghostbusters for a long time. His ego and temper (plus his feud with Harold Ramis) delayed the project for years. I’m happy that he came around for the series though. I like the ice age theme. It feels fresh for the series. It should be a nice birthday present for me. Plus I consider the 2009 video game canon.

So do they, given they credited William Athertons last appearance as that game.

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Leaves me largely unexcited, seems to play as a best-of mashup of GUNS OF NAVARONE, NORTH SEA HIJACK, THE WILD GEESE by way of THE SEA WOLVES and INGLORIOUS BASTERDS. All a bit gratuitous fluff without original thought or creativity. I‘ll probably catch it in a decade on a streamer.

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It is probably just me, but the more I see of Henry Cavill the less I am attracted to the idea of him having been close to be James Bond.

And, oh, I really neither like the gimmicky style of Richie nor the one of Vaughn. Both are highly overrated IMO.


While at first I was not sure about the direction that Afterlife took, ultimately I think that it was a necessary departure from the original formula, mainly so that it could tick the boxes it needed to tick, with it being necessary to introduce a new audience to the story, introduce a good number of new characters, explain what’s been happening since 1989 and, the main two things being that they probably needed to craft a smaller role for the originals in order to entice Bill Murray back (I think Murray’s involvement was critical, even if he’s only in it for that brief bit at the end), and, most importantly, it had to serve as a tribute to Harold Ramis.

Given that it had to do all of those things, I see why they felt like they had to do it that way. Taking things out to the middle of nowhere took things from being a bit about the spectacle of it and grounded it more in the characters, both new and old.


That they were able to put this together makes the remake with the ladies look even more unnecessary.

I would love it if they convinced Rick Moranis to do a quick walk on…

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Agreed. He could be similar to Brosnan in terms of characterisation but I believe Brosnan would still be superior. There’s something about Cavill that strikes me as wooden, lacking that extra X factor required to be James Bond. There are more interesting choices out there.


Totally agree. His performance as Superman was good, because he looked the part, but there too I often found him very wooden and stiff and, for example, in scenes together with Ben Affleck as Batman, I thought he was the inferior of the two in terms of acting.

Years ago I always thought he would be great as Bond, but I’ve started to doubt that more and more when I see him in other roles.

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