Movies: Presumably 2024, maybe Beyond

Somewhere I read Shatner was ready to step up, if needs were…

EDIT: Found it.

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Well, Shatner is always up for anything!

But if Chris Pine now is too old for the holy demographic…

Let´s hope Timothy Chalamet will have another good five years in him before he has to be de-aged.

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I think they need to hire someone who is 9 year old now to play their target age when they actually start filming something…


You mean they will actually make that movie?


Shhh, no-one tell the shareholders you have to do more than just announce things! :rofl:


Hmm, they did announce that other Star Trek movie with the young cadets for next year, too. Do you mean…


Well, at least Disney+ is now not just with Hulu but also with Max.

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The team is developing the script.

Scariest six-word sentence I have read in a good while.


Serkis is great and capable. But really…

“Drain it, my precious. Milk it to the last drop… until its soul is only a leathery, empty bag… and then drain it some more…”

Apparently, we have to be grateful that EON only sits on their Bond rights without giving us separate movies about Q´s cat.

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I’m afraid I’ll need another comment in the Casting the Continuation Novels thread to continue. Thank you for your understanding. :grinning:

Damned, now I have to watch it…


That’s the general idea.


As a complete MCU idiot, Ineson and Malkovich do not strike me as very Marvel-y actors.


As a fellow complete MCU idiot - is this the first time an actor has played 2 different roles in the MCU? (Ineson* was in Guardians of the Galaxy)

*As an aside - my iPhone autocorrects Ineson to Idiot. That poor man.

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Had to happen at some point. They must be running out of actors who haven’t been in any of them. Can’t be that hard to land a role. With the result that, in some 20 years from now, “has been in a MCU movie” won’t be anything actors are going to bragg about much, while “has been in a Bond movie” will still be something the actors will have to take silly questions about in any other interview. :laughing:

That said, as another fellow complete MCU idiot (not quite, caught Guardians by chance and somewhat liked it – tried others, to no avail), I couldn’t care less. (Insert Rhett Butler’s final words here).


Kenneth Choi in Captain America: The First Avenger and Spider-Man: Homecoming, but the roles are relatively minor, and the “cannon” is that his Spider-Man chacter is descended from his Captain America one. Might be more, but thats the one i know.


Gemma Chan was in Captain Marvel and Eternals.


Have to say I have fond memories of the original comics by Doug Moench in that Marvel magazine, some fine stories there. I particularly remember a riff on Twain’s Connecticut Yankee set on a medieval apes/humans island, quite surreal and entertaining. One could certainly imagine some further stories set in that world.

But five more films most likely using one plot line? That seems stretching the liana…

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