Movies: Presumably 2024, maybe Beyond

Interesting idea, a chamber play across the ages. Looks like one of those feel-good family films that start off the holiday season in theatres.



I wonder how that will work out with the framing not changing, only what’s in that room.

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I’m curious too, as it takes away most of separates the motion picture medium from theater. I’m a Hitchcock fan who didn’t think Rope was served by the 1 take thing. This goes further…


What I love is the way AH using a single take forces Brandon and Phillip almost always to be in the frame together (Academy ratio at the time), thereby emphasizing the fact that they are a couple–a daring thing to do in 1948–without spelling it out, which could not have been done. The mise en scene tells viewers what the script cannot say.


I think ROPE works because Hitchcock frames everything well AND moves the camera to do it.

I hope Zemeckis has a great blocking technique to make that static shot throughout his film visually interesting - but I already have my doubts.

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To be clear, I do think Rope works, I just don’t think anything was ADDED to it by the technique vs. having shot it traditionally.


Understood. I would argue that the added value of the long takes was to bring about tight framing in depicting two gay actors playing a gay couple. The physicality of their performances–the ease they show being next to one another–connotes queerness without it having to be spelled out. Straight actors would not have physically played off each other the way Granger and Dall do–especially straight actors circa 1948.

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And yet I never picked up on that, being so hung up on finding the hidden cuts.


It’s shocking just how much they were able to get away with. The murder at the beginning was basically treated like a sex scene (and a threesome no less).

As soon as it’s over they’re both out of breath and one guy goes to turn a light on and the other says “Don’t. Let’s just stay this way for a minute.” The other then lights a cigarette.

Subtle, Hitch :wink:


Exactly. And the rope that grows in length as it emerges from the chest.


Borys Kit from The Hollywood Reporter says:

Warner Bros & Legendary date Denis Villeneuve’s next move for 12/18/26. But is it DUNE 3 or the nuclear war movie? I’m going to say Dune 3.

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This was a bummer to read this afternoon:

Hopefully they can still get it done. I thought the first one was decent, but was hoping that maybe a sequel would see them leaning a bit more into Stephen Gammell’s original artwork from the books.


I’ve been watching F1 for almost 50 years, but the only time any of this clicks with me is when they go up the Eau Rouge at Spa (because that’s always been my favourite shot in F1). I guess that it was unavoidable that one day, they’d turn the clown show that F1 has become in recent years into a movie, if only to get U.S. audiences interested in a kind of motorsport that’s more than driving in circles or longer than a quarter mile. A rather expensive marketing tool, but it says a lot about the development of that sport when they feel the need to make a movie because the real deal doesn’t convince people any more.

Still interested in the final result. Just hope that it will be more than a heavily scripted reality TV show.



I haven’t the foggiest what this film is about - but I’m intrigued nonetheless.