Movies: Presumably 2024, maybe Beyond

And „Red One“ turns into a huge streaming hit on Amazon.

We live in the world of „Megalopolis“.




Loving having bright colors in the costume again. Krypto looks awesome, there’s a kaiju battle in the mix and I might, might have seen a glimpse of a Superman Robot in the Fortress. If so, I’m starting to really look forward to this thing. Also, nice job incorporating the Williams theme but with a new spin.

I saw a story yesterday that what took Gunn off the fence on the “trunks or no trunks” issue was Corenswet, who told him Superman needs to project a sense of trust and safety to both kids and adults; when a guy can do the things he does – like basically shoot lasers from his eyes – he would tend to worry folks, but dressing like a pro wrestler would take the edge off. And anyway since the whole concept of superheroes is farcical at root, trying to run away from it just makes you look sillier. That convinced Gunn to go with the trunks, and it’s convinced me the character is in good hands with Corenswet. Even if does have the worst last name of any Superman actor. (But the best first name, so that makes up for it!).


For the uninitiated - who’s this?

Metamorpho the Element Man. aka Rex Mason. He has the power to change shape and to restructure his body composition into any known element.

In the scene where Superman is gathering himself in a building foyer after the crowd jeers at him, a sign on the wall behind him says “Stagg Industries.” That would be as in Simon Stagg, Rex’s employer.


Like it very much - and I’m not a big Superman fan. But this looks like it hits the sweet spot again.


I am very hopeful because it seems to take Superman seriously while also going full steam ahead with the fantastical elements - and Gunn did say that this is Silver Age Superman, so all that fantasy really is mixed in.

Actually, that could be a way ahead for Bond, too. Take Bond seriously but place him in a world which is not bogged down in real life.

The Connery and Moore films actually did that very well.


Well, I’ve been hoping for some time Eon would hire a director like del Toro and lean into that fantastical element.


Damn, I keep watching this… and welling up.


I had to work hard not to tear up when I watched this. Incredible.


That music is just perfect. Bond, Indiana Jones, and Superman have to be my trinity of perfect themes. Glad to see them embrasing it, it’s far too good and emotive to ignore.

I am looking forward to this. Great move having Krypto front and centre too.

The only negative reaction I have is seeing other superheros popping up. I very much prefer my heros to be the stars of their films. It always made the hero seem more important when it was just them. “Shared universes”, team ups and (especially) multiverses just diminish the main hero for me.


It also raises the spectre of the DCEU, which tried to duplicate Marvel’s success with “The Avengers” by rushing immediately into a Justice League film. We all know the aim here is to build a “cinematic universe” but to throw in so many players right out of the gate stirs the fear that they could once again try for too much, too soon.

That said, my hope is that the other heroes will be used to help establish what makes Superman special, and different. For instance, Captain America was always that much more appealing for being the only straight-up, old-school hero in a room full of wise-cracking class clowns like RDJ Iron Man and all the various “RDJ Lite” other characters. Guy Gardner in particular should boost what’s great about Superman by the fact that he basically doesn’t share any of Superman’s qualities whatsoever. Also, there’s the fact that if we’re going to have a universe where there are lots of heroes, it only makes sense for more than one of them to show up when the world is threatened. You can’t only have a JLA when it’s a JLA movie, but then in “solo hero” movies it’s up to that character to save the world alone and not call for help.

That said, I too prefer Superman to operate in a world where he doesn’t have to play with other heroes, and that even extends to the comics. I liked the old Silver Age stuff where each editor had his own little fiefdom and company-wide crossovers could never happen. But that was then, and this is now.


Looks OK but am not well-versed in comic books so one would hope it isn’t too alienating (let’s say the pun was intended) to the likes of me. Bear in mind that although I recognise the names, I cannot tell Riddler and Joker apart, nor do I wish to bother. I could not tolerate more than a couple of those Marvel ones; seemed one needed some sort of crib sheet as to who these persons were and why one should consider them at all interesting. I hasten to add it’s more about preference and dwindling memory and time available than, at least consciously, my overwhelming and Olympic-standard knee-jerk default ignorant snobbery about many things.


That’s an interesting point and shows how much things have changed over time. Back in 1978 it was enough of an uphill battle to get audiences to buy into one guy in tights and a cape flying around and doing miraculous feats; there’s no way they’d have stacked the deck against themselves by shoe-horning in still more spandex-clad adventurers.

Now we’re at a point where throwing in other heroes is considered “insurance” and a crutch; “maybe you’re not into Superman, but hey you don’t want to miss all these other great characters making their live-action debut! Look, it’s Mr Terrific! It’s Metamorpho! Is this cool, or what?”

All those decades ago, being a nerd got you (okay, me) roughed up on the playground, but today it’s impossible to be nerdy enough. Times have changed.


As far as I have read Gunn‘s comments there is no setup for other films, so the other characters are in this in order to show a world in which humanity is used to these strange creatures.


I’ll believe that when I see it. The sole purpose of all of these superhero movies is to set up the existence of more superhero movies.

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He is rather straight forward, so I believe him.

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The extra heroes crammed into this film don’t strike me as the type to get their own franchises, so I too believe Gunn is just trying to establish this is a world where superheroes are commonplace, and doing it with characters he can play with as he likes without many repercussions. In contrast it was obvious the DCEU wanted to spin off a Justice League and solo franchises for the company’s “big guns” as quickly as humanly possible, so they threw them all into BvS. If we’re going to just toss in characters as set dressing, I’d just as soon stick with these C-listers instead of wasting ones with more potential.


There are definitely plans for future films, it’s just that Gunn wants them to be more self contained. Which I think is the right approach. Characters will cross over from other projects but I don’t think there will be plot confusion for casual viewers.