The problem with Star Wars (namely the true fans and the latest creators) is that they want SW to feel something old made new (akin to the serials they were inspired from). Or, they go into a completely new direction, upsetting a certain part of the audience. It’s a no win situation. So take SW the way you want.
There are a number of Star Wars developments that came out this week.
First, I finally binge watched The Mandalorian. I was very impressed with it. The third season was just slightly written less as good the first two, but still enjoyable. If the show were to end as it is, it would be a positive mark for SW.
As for the upcoming movie, here are some rumors.
Sigourney Weaver is only in the movie for a small part. I know some people who aren’t happy with these rumors. However, I’ll wait for the final product.
Rey and the New Jedi Order.
I’m just happy that Damon Lindelof ISN’T writing anymore. Also, I hope J.J. Abrams doesn’t come back in any production role.
Daisy Ridley on coming back, via Premiere: “They simply asked if I wanted to do it, based on an idea, without the script being written yet. But if I hadn’t been convinced by the concept, the movie wouldn’t have been made. I took a day to think about it and I told myself that I had had great times making those films. This new adventure seemed fun to me, so why say no? My thoughts on the subject are quite simple: if I didn’t think the story was worth telling, I wouldn’t have come back.” I’m sure the money and possible top cast billing helps as well.
Shawn Levy and his movie.
Dawn of the Jedi.
Some people are upset that James Mangold doesn’t want to follow the true SW cannon, or the expanded legends. It’s amazing to me that Lucasfilm has kept him around. Usually, if the director’s first project after the SW bombs, they get fired. Even more shocking, his last bomb was Indiana Jones and the Dial of Density a Lucasfilm production! But, the sooner it starts filming, the better, in particular for him!
Rogue Squadron.
I find it ironic that Mangold is openly going away from the existing material. While Jenkins is going to take influence from it. This is both creators arguably taking creative risks. This is the project that I’m most excited about. The future of Star Wars seems to be bright. Bring on the Star Wars Celebration in April. On this journey, may the Force be with us, both the fans and the creators!