Movies: Presumably 2024, maybe Beyond

I know I’m in the minority but I still like Jonathan Bailey for Bond.



To me it only promises to rehash everything which has come before - and even that rehashed constantly.

Very underwhelming, as expected.


Isn’t this movie essentially the plot of The Lost World? We find out there’s another island where the dinos were actually made… a mercenary type team has a reason to go in…


As for the Fantastic Four trailer, the production design looks great. I think Vanessa Kirby is a good choice for Sue Storm/Invisible Woman, but Pedro Pascal is completely wrong for Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic, and he does nothing to disprove that in the trailer. I agree with raylan.givens that the Thing’s head is too small, and I imagine his voice being deeper than what I hear in the trailer.

So, overall, I have mixed feelings about the Fantastic Four but there’s virtually no way it could be worse than Fant4stic. But, having said that, I think Pascal’s complete miscasting for Reed Richards is going to be too much to overcome for the film to be overly successful. John Krasinski would have been a much, MUCH better choice. Shoot, there are dozens of better choices than Pascal. :roll_eyes:


As for Jurassic World Rebirth, it looks interesting, but is no doubt same old, same old. But with Scarlett Johansson starring, I’m willing to give it a chance.


Yes. The idea another secret island has gone undetected for this long is ludicrous. I think some of the imagery is atmospheric, but it’ll just be more of the same.


Looks better than anything the franchise has done since the second film. Then again, the bar is low enough that a toddler could easily step over it, so make of that what you will. That opening shot of Rupert Friend just has me wishing that this was a Bond trailer, though.


I immediately thought of you, @dalton, when I saw him in the trailer. :wink:


Have to admit that was my first thought and is still what I feel is the most off about this production. Wonder why he accepted the part, it doesn’t scream for the type he usually depicts. Gruffudd was a big deal closer to Reed Richards.


Pascal has a massive fanbase thanks to THE MANDALORIAN and THE LAST OF US, so that puts him on the Marvel wants list. And casting him instead of the typical wasp actor also helps with the perception they want.

I think he is a great actor - but here miscast. On the other hand: why not, it’s just a comic book film, so experiment.


Im really not liking this tone of journalism of CONFESS!!

Its leaning hard into click bait in a scary way.
Anyone else seen Fury?

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Happy Sports Ball Day!


They can dress the new M:I movie up however they like it, but it’s still the “Part 2” to that dreadful last entry.

I’m a huge fan of both Cruise and the franchise itself, but they’ve left me with absolutely no interest to see how they wrap up Cruise’s tenure with the franchise.

None of these trailers work for me.

Yes, they are flashy, extremely fast cut and pumped with music and explosions. But which one of those sells an original or just interesting premise?

The Dragon remake: why? It looks exactly like the animated original. What‘s next, a live action remake of Inside Out?

F1: Days of Thunder with Pitt and his abs.

JPRebirth: Can you call something a rebirth if it’s just previous lives put in a blender?

Thunderbolts: Hey, what if we make a Bad Avengers movie, you know, like The Suicide Squad meets Guardians of the Galaxy? Oh, the first trailer did not work? Man, put an 80‘s pop rock anthem on the score, at least Generation X will hum along and think this is fun. - It does not look like fun at all.

M:I DR2: The plane stunt must have been terrifying to make and surely is another triumph of action movie making. But it does not look like it because years of CGI have desensitized us into never actually fearing for actors in those scenes anymore. And Cruise himself has made us expect these stunts and shrug if they are just another variation of previous ones.

He should have gone out on a high with Fallout.

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Affleck looks old. I first thought that he was replaced by an unknow cheaper guy. I had to look twice before I recognised him.

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Affleck is old.


Eh… No! He’s 52 years old, so is not old, because otherwise … I too…(I’m 57 and still very young).

But seriously he looks different, maybe less thin?


Hey, in three years he‘s the age I‘m now.

Which means I‘m as old as Moore was in OP.

Oh, boy… I‘m that old?

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I’m already the AVTAK Moore, so I have to sleep with Grace Jones. Oh No! Help!