Movies: Presumably 2024, maybe Beyond

Move up to the bumper baby👹


Matt Damon as Odysseus in THE ODYSSEY


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This will either be interesting or Nolan‘s 1941.


Maybe it will be both.


Indeed. I enjoy „1941“.

But in this climate Nolan will have to prove more than Spielberg when a hugely expensive carte blanche movie became a flop.

I am already interested to see why Nolan thought a movie adaptation of a literary classic, cast with US movie stars, was a worthy idea.

At the moment I imagine this film to be a huge fantasy spectacle in the manner of 50‘s and 60‘s big star bonanzas.

But I hope it will be rather like „Spartacus“ and less like „Gladiator 3“.


Green Awning Film



Is Daniel Craig going to start his habit of dropping out of movies at the last minute again? It sounds like he is a bit bitter about not getting a Oscar nomination. In particular, since it was basically a Oscar bait role.

That’s just interpretation.

He did not sign any contract, only flirted with committing, like every major star does.


“Attached” was always my favorite eyeroll when readfing the trades.

Some exec mentioned, possibly talked to him or his agent in passing etc.

Who knows if there’s even a script - although I do know of one VERY talented screenwriter who did a draft of SR years ago.

Daniel is a busy guy with tons of scripts being sent his way.


Maybe he lost interest when they explained it’s not a musical.

This thing has been kicking around forever and will likely see the light of day at the same time “Doc Savage” and “Blackhawk” do, which is to say, never.

I don’t even understand the appeal. Superheroes I get: they have a distinctive look, weird powers and various other “hooks.” But the whole point of Sgt Rock was that he was human, and more than that an “average joe” like millions of others who fought the war. Except for the stripes and name tag, he wears the same uniform as every other grunt in the Army and he fights non-powered human enemies in German and Japanese uniforms. On the screen, what on Earth would differentiate him from any other character in any standard WW2 epic? At least the guy in “Haunted Tank” talked to the ghost of Jeb Stuart, “The Unknown Soldier” was a master of disguise, Blackhawk had his distinctive outfit and plane and fought weird things like robots and the War Wheel. But Rock is a normal GI, full stop. I mean, I enjoy his comics, but they were only ever printed stand-ins for generic war movies when there wasn’t one at the local cinema. Adapting them to the screen merely takes away the only things that made them stand out: the wonderful artwork by talents like Joe Kubert and Russ Heath and the feel and smell of pulp paper.


Tom Holland and Zendaya are in both films, making a gap makes sense unless they want to replicate Barbenheimer, which itself was a fluke.


Wow, Marvel has a 67 per cent drop on the second weekend, the second worst in its history.

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Who would have thought that being constantly in the public’s face for a decade-plus and having a film titled Endgame that wrapped up the storyline and killed off numerous high profile characters would be bad for business?


That’s at the core of it, most audiences are simply done with Marvel. They put up a long and winding story that saw its conclusion - and now we’re happy to leave that behind much like we did when we stopped reading these comics. We may pick up the odd adventure as a collected edition (or as a tv show), but we’ve seen the main attraction.

You could interest people again in the whole thing, but probably not to the extent that drove this phenomenon in its heyday. At least that part of the audience that isn’t made up of huge superhero fans; those will never lose interest.


And that’s the problem Marvel now faces: Disney needs more, more, more… and not just little successes - they have to be at least as big as the Avengers movies, with inflation and so on actually even bigger than that.

So… well, they still have Spider-Man…

Unfortunately, Amazon will have the same objective with Bond. If the next one is not big enough they will try one more - and then give up and use it as one big tax relief.


Marvel might have a good chance to stay on top of it if they had another superhero team apart from the Avengers that hasn’t been milked dry already (X-Men) or failed to connect with the audience (Fantastic Four). Without that though…:man_shrugging:t3:

For a time I thought they might be willing to switch over to horror with that limited b/w monster series they had. I found that fairly amusing and with Creature of Frankenstein and Tomb of Dracula there’d be source material that put these characters in a modern day setting with a Hammer vibe. But evidently that’s too niche and the various horror franchises have the market cornered.


If the “4” does not work as planned this year and the “Thunderbolts” have no wide enough appeal I would not be surprised if Disney then axed Kevin Feige und brought in “new blood”.

But I don’t believe that Marvel still has heroes left which can appeal to the masses. Yes, Spider-Man will clean up. And Deadpool will also fight vs. Wolverine till they’re in their 90´s. But that’s it. Even Downey jr. as the bad Downey jr. will not turn this ship around.

They needed the new Captain America to be a huge success to kickstart the new phase. And it´s only reaching the hardcore fan base.


As I’ve said before, the MCU has become too predictable for many. While we grew to love most of the original characters, the average lead MCU characters today, we simply told that we have to like them. A lot of the actors that the MCU are casting now aren’t exactly beloved by many (Brie Larson being a diva, Anthony Mackie coming off as a bit of an MCU asskisser at times, etc). The continuously reshoot stories have become something of legend. When a MCU script is trouble, their motto? Make as many quips and corny one-liners as possible. Also, talk down to the audience as much as possible. I mostly blame Joss Whedon for that. So as I said before, the MCU needs some change-ups. The fans have turned into abuse victims at times, returning to their abusers when they know what will happen. A mixed bag of creativity, and I’m being generous. Ten years ago, the MCU was the envy of Hollywood. Now, it’s one of the biggest laughing stocks.