While I don’t think GE: Reloaded is a great game, it’s fun for an afternoon. Bond games tend to get rated lower simply for being Bond games and everything is compared to Goldeneye 64, when it shouldn’t be. GE 64, when played today, is an ugly, slow mess with a control scheme that barely works (it desperately needs a second analog stick). Night fire, (the absolute best Bond game IMO even over EoN), averages under 80 on metacritic despite its high production values and great story/gameplay. Call of Duty rates higher than that every year, despite minimal changes and the same (now outdated) gameplay it’s had since 2007. AUF, NF, and EON should be remembered much more fondly and should have been rated as such at the time.
My question is, what do people think of IO Interactive taking a crack at it? Hitman as a series has dozens of Bond loving Easter eggs, and it goes into over-drive with the appearance of Sean Bean as the first elusive assassin (Goldeneye is far and away the film that gets the most references) so I imagine it’s something they’d be interested in.
Licence game snobbery in a nut shell.
I would like to see a game like a Metal Gear type, and I don’t mean a giant mechanical juggernaut game, (although imagine it ) but like a stealth, politically motivated type game. For instance, the PM or the Foreign Secretary has been kidnapped. The 00 section has been discontinued, but they call Bond out of retirement for some reason, so it is up to a formerly retired 007 to go in and rescue him, (or them.)
The 00 section being discontinued again?
I agree with that. It’s the best result with the COD style mechanics, and the nostalgic hook helps. Quantum of Solace and 007 Legends are just bland. I’m entertaining the idea of including Reloaded in my personal Craig canon. He needed a couple more stories before Skyfall. Blood Stone and the reimagined Goldeneye serve that purpose.
Unfortunately I had the same impression when I revisited the game. Historically it’s important, but it aged poorly and from that time period The World Is Not Enough is better.