News on NO TIME TO DIE (no spoilers)

There was a leaked draft of the script that was actually pretty close to the final film with the torture scene swapped out for a poker game, which actually worked better than that torture scene. Anyhoo, in this draft Q explains slightly more about SPECTRE and that Silva was the IT, while Le Chiffre was the money. As usual, no one cares about Dominic Greene.

Thatā€™s very fair and true.

Do we know who wrote the tube scene?

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Great question - iā€™d love to know!

Filming delayed until next year

Carefulā€¦ I canā€™t find any other outlets reporting it and ā€œSimonā€™s Bizarre Columnā€ at The Sun isnā€™t exactly The Timesā€¦

Why be careful? It makes sense. I tried to tell people about how the babyā€™s arrival would mess the schedule of it all but all you lot were having none of it.

Iā€™m getting tired of the long gap between films. The franchise is showing its age.

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I say be careful for the same reason we didnā€™t bother posting an article like this from 3 weeks agoā€¦

Ha, come on mate. Weā€™re all dying to hear a bit of news concerning this film, Iā€™ll take anything I can get right now

Soooooo Ralph Fiennes just signed on to star in a film that begins shooting in ā€œearly 2019.ā€ Discussā€¦

Well if M is only there to give Bond his briefing, then this shouldnā€™t matter much. Though, the Craig films have had M play a much larger role, so this could bode badly for Bond 25.

More papers are reporting that the film is being pushed back. It could all be got air, of course, but I believe it for now.

Shame thereā€™s always more delays in top of delays, these days. They waited for Mendes last time, now theyā€™re waiting for Craigā€¦

If you look closely though, they are all just quoting the original Sun article. And one of the papers is The Express, which reported that Craig had been replaced by Hardy 3 weeks ago.

I just urge Bond fans to be extra careful about the kinds of news that is going to start coming out at this point in production. Some sources should carry much more weight than othersā€¦

That article is from April Foolsā€™ Dayā€¦

Fair point. Pity Baz doesnā€™t report such things anymore.

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Definitely something to consider when judging how much weight to give their reportingā€¦

Baz should definitely be considered a good source, IMO. And he reported on Boyle a few months ago, so heā€™s definitely still in the Bond game.


If Rachelā€™s pregnancy does push back Bond, perhaps the real reason is because sheā€™s been cast in Bond 25.

Could she be Irma Bunt?

What if that was Boyleā€™s ā€˜great ideaā€™ that Hodge is drafting?

Sheā€™s a good actress, so iā€™d be happy with her as the femme fatale.

And i can certainly see that luring Craig back for one more.

Note: this is high speculation with nothing to base it on, but no harm in putting the thought out there.

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Daniel is bored and wants out of the house



I swear heā€™s looking more like Sid James all the time.

At this point for me, Bond 25 is something to put at the back of my mind. When news hits, Iā€™ll be there. But I donā€™t see anything happening on that front anytime soon, sadly. I hope I come to eat these words.

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