On His Majesty’s Secret Service

Fun video with Higson. Looks like IFP is putting some effort into promoting the paperback edition.


It’s been interesting to sit down with the paperback and compare it to the hardcover. The opening chapter is the same scene, but has been mostly re-written. It’s like being able to look at an author’s 1st draft then revisions. Looking forward to comparing the ending when I get to it…


It would be interesting if someone could list all the differences throughout the whole novel (just so that one can decide whether to read this “new” version…).


I agree! In particular, since us in the US aren’t getting our own version.

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From what I understand, it’s mainly the opening and closing chapters

At the end of the day, what would that give you? I’m in the U.S. and I had it a couple days after release day from Amazon…

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