New series streaming on Paramount + staring/produced by Zoe Saldana as a CIA officer running female assets targeting male Muslim terrorists. Watched the first episode, and it’s okay. I’ll check out the second episode to firm up my opinion.
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Reading the reviews I am hesitant - too much stock and clichéd dialogue, cardboard characters and plot. Would you agree?
Yeah, so far. The concept is interesting, though. Interesting enough to watch episode 2.
Cheers Navy! I think this is sort of a slow burn type of series. We’ll see where it goes, but I enjoyed the first two episodes. Intel and the military have always been crossed swords but with the same goal. It’ll be interesting to see how/where it goes.
Watched episode two, and I feel it’s getting better. To Bryce’s point, I didn’t serve with SOF while I was in the service, so I can’t speak to whether there’s friction between the military and CIA snake eaters. However, if there is, I wouldn’t be surprised.
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