Spotting Mr. Fukutu

Mr. Fukutu is at the big game in Casino Royale. He, being the thin, long-grey-headed oriental gentleman at the table. While re-watching Spectre recently, once again I noticed him at the Spectre meeting as 007 was lurking up in the balcony.

Anyone else have the same thoughts?

I swear I also saw the mysterious Mr Fukutu in the casino scene in Skyfall. I believe it was near the end, just before the fight began. Now I guess I’ll have to rewatch Skyfall to verify. :):sunglasses:

Tom So is Mr. Fukutu in CR. His brother, Clem So, appeared in SF and SP.

Well, seems they are fond of gambling and of Bond.

Thanks for the intel. So… Was Clem added to substitute for Tom, in order to create some over-arching continuity with Mr. Fukutu?

Personally, I like the idea.

Both appeared in Sherlock (BBC), although Clem So is much more active than his brother:

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