I’ve been thinking about this. Is that really the case - or is it just more difficult for us to escape? And, since escapism is a category that’s frequently frowned upon by critics, is the escapism now covered with a veneer of realism just thick enough to fool us into believing SKYFALL or SPECTRE is less of a fantasy than LORD OF THE RINGS?
I’m actually undecided what exactly are the reasons for it but I’d argue we get at least the same amount of escapism - in Bonds, in entertainment in general, even in newspapers and tv newscasts - if not more than we did 10 or 20 years ago. People actively deny the state of affairs, find all manner of excuses not to have to face what’s happening right before their eyes. I don’t know what this can be other than society level escapism.
I think the entire Bond concept is “escapist” by nature, with plots and stunts that are patently ludicrous, and that’s as true in recent years as it was in the Gilbert/Hamilton era. The “grim and gritty” or “emotionally deep” stuff is grafted on not because audiences want it, but because Babs wants awards and knows they don’t usually go to “fun” films. I’m sure she’d like to be remembered as the genius who transformed Bond from “escapist fare” to “award-winning drama.” But all it does, IMO, is give us a product that’s neither fun nor “important.” It’s merely odd.
Indeed. Even in gaming I’m leaning back towards Nintendo again, with graphical realism and seriousness not being that important to me anymore. I’m embracing the unreality of the medium: colourful cell shaded worlds that focus on gameplay. I don’t want a full blown cartoon strip for Bond, but something like TLD or TND would be a good compromise.
I feel we do need to inject more fun into the series. There’d be some opposition to it, but that’s inevitable no matter what approach they take. When franchises start catering only to the core fans, they run the risk of becoming dependent on a niche ageing fanbase. If the franchise is to survive in the long run, it needs to win over younger fans as well.