What do you think about the NTTD release date?

I’m referring more to the line quoted that “there is no crisis”. That’s just a bold faced lie that further propagates the false narrative that this is over, despite statistics pointing that it clearly is anything but. It’s also designed to keep profits high while knowingly misleading the public, potentially into a situation that can cost them their lives. This is then latched onto by people who will grasp whatever good news that they can find in order to play into the narrative they want to believe, a mindset which is very much encouraged by those in leadership positions.


It’s exactly the same position we’ve been in before lockdown: governments were hesitant to take the step and companies relied on governments to tell them to close. People started actually avoiding shops and hospitality and entertainment as well as keeping their kids from school before officials finally acted, even here in Germany. That’s why some claim the lockdown wouldn’t have been necessary.

Sadly, we have the UK as benchmark that shows what happens if you wait longer than advisable…

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To clarify: I believe the guy meant to say that the AMC cinemas are not in a crisis. He did NOT deny the Corona-Crisis.

Still, it’s absurd to maintain that cinemas belonging to AMC or others are fine during these times.

It‘s like saying cruise ships are still happily afloat, don’t worry, workers. Your jobs are safe…

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Odd anecdote from my town: we used to have a drive-in cinema until, I don’t know, 90s probably. Then the drive-in folded and the plot saw redevelopment as some kind of adventure indoor playground.

But since last week we’ve got a pop-up drive-in cinema again nearby at the airport: 100 square metres screen and this car radio transmitter thingy. One showing per evening and two on weekends. Some old Bond films, interestingly, DR NO and SPECTRE and QUANTUM OF SOLACE - which suggests a slow buildup to NO TIME TO DIE. But I‘m not sure if they’ll still operate in autumn/winter…

Anyway, the venture probably makes at most a tenth of a regular theatre. And the potential is limited by weather and, evidently, darkness.


It has started:


And whether you’re right, or SecretAgent fan, the fact that it was uttered on a Zoom call speaks otherwise in both cases.

Just for the sheer silliness:

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…was this tabloid mad-libs?

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And their masks were just fabulous!


Meghan’s backless mask turned heads.

As if there is going to be a big, star-studded premiere.

You’re American so I have an immediate reference point; The Sun is for British news what Fox and Friends is for US news - Horrendously detached from reality.

Watching the current development, I wonder if there’s going to be any Premiere at all…

I guess they will plan for it, just to be on the, um, safe side.

But neither the US nor the UK will offer the kind of environment people will enjoy gathering in. Especially those who usually distance themselves in their McMansions.

It´s really irritating, to me at least, that nobody just wants to speak the truth: no premiere, no cinema release - we have to either hold the film until fall 2021 or longer. Or we´ll have a Zoom premiere with VOD release.

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BUT WHAT ABOUT OUR SHAREHOLDERS!!! They really hate it when we’re honest!

The reason that WB and Disney won’t say they’re delaying their summer releases indefinitely…just keep kicking that can down the road…

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My thoughts exactly. The premiere is something that seems to get ever further out of reach each day. It’s exactly the kind of big event that would allow a single case to spread into dozens of homes and once more across borders and continents. You could imagine an enormously elaborate and expensive scheme to test all and sundry beforehand and keep them in their individual private booths - but who would actually want such an event? Or putting them all in hazmat gear for hours?


Quarantine for Bond!

Win a ticket to the glitzy premiere, with just two weeks of isolation before and after - and we´ll throw in two COVID-19 tests for free as well.

Of course, the gift bag is stuffed with disinfectants and the cool new facemask with 007 logo. Collector´s item: masks with NO TIME TO DIE engraved in gold!

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Might be worth it to get the disinfectant. Can’t find that stuff anywhere, but then that’s probably because I’m not a millionaire who is deserving of such a truly essential product.

They really should do the No Time To Die facemask. Both a perfectly apt and yet at the same time completely tone deaf statement to put on a piece of PPE.


On a related note, I really don’t get why the SIS doesn’t open a merchandise and fan shop on its premises. You could make millions with mugs and T-shirts and hats with the SIS crest and the motto: Make Intelligence Secret Again! Just wait till the final COVID-19 bill arrives, then they’ll need every penny…


…I want that.


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