Deathmatch 2021


Silva is enjoying his victory


Remarkable how this year the old-guard Spectre set dropped out relatively early - and the final was even a match between ‘original’ villains Fleming had no involvement with. Drax not in top form, the various Blofeld incarnations likewise, not even Klebb kicking in - Spectre’s next investor call will be no birthday party…


It having been pointed out that a pure knock-out / kill is a brutal way to decide this (although these are brutal people, so…), another way to consider approval of villainy is the individual’s percentage chances of winning any specific match they are in, based on the average of the votes they accrue.

Well, maybe.

It does mean anyone with a walkover in early stages is possibly advantaged, but if decided this way, the fallout would be as below. It may point to a seeding system as a further refinement for next year, although next year we should have the wild card element of Safin in there too.

Well, maybe.

% chance of success
Greene 2
Koskov & Whitaker 8
Graves 17
Stromberg 22
Kristatos 28
YOLT Blofeld 28
Carver 36
Khan 37
Spectre Blofeld 37
DAF Blofeld 43
Trevelyan 46
Elektra 49
Klebb 49
Dr Kananga 50
Le Chiffre 2006 55
Goldfinger 56
Sanchez 57
Dr No 61
Scaramanga 62
Silva 65
Largo 68
Drax 69
Zorin 70
OHMSS Blofeld 73

Fabulous evaluation of our beloved mass butchers, sociopaths and alternative facts geniuses. Many thanks for bringing us these matches, Jim.

Silva’s well earned title as MVP makes me wonder what a fantasy team tournament would look like?

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Now there’s an idea…

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We’d have to flesh it out with every anonymous henchman in the series from the random no-names that get thrown through paper walls to the mindless drones whose only job is to get shot in the head and die with the most blank, surprised look on their face after trying and failing to do their routine checks on a circus train.