Debating TV shows

Yep…this season is meant for TNG purists




Watching episode 5 of Picard. It’s good for the most part, but I’m finding Raffi annoying. She is far too knowingly “cool” which feels really out of place with what everyone else is doing.

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Same here. I also didn´ like what I ALWAYS despise…


… using the death of a beloved character as an unexpected twist, only to reverse that - haha, we were just kidding, he survived because he mastered the technique of “deus ex machine”. What a lazy way of writing.

Still, I have still high hopes that this season will wrap up things impressively.

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Overall I am loving this season, it’s up there with SNW s1 as my favourite of the new live action seasons.
I am getting tired of the


Starfleet is evil (/compromised) trope. Honesty, aside from SNW s1, it seems like Starfleet has constantly been infultraed/nefarious or whatever in the new shows. I know that in the older series’ any time an admiral showed up you could bet there was a good chance they were a bad guy, but overall Starfleet always felt like it was full of good guys, while now even the Titan crew were cussing out Jack and the fact they were protecting his life. Everyone outside of the core characters always feel so nasty - it’s not the Starfleet or future I like to see in Trek!
It’s a tired and dull trope that is not as interesting or original as the snowrunners must think. It’s reaching Bond-going-rogue levels of predictable.

Shaw has fast become one of my favourite new characters. Brilliantly acted. I’ve gone from disliking him (how dare he disrespect the legendary Picard and Riker!) to appreciating his points, to caring about and liking him. I’d love to see more of him, but I’m not sure how well he’d work without playing opposite Picard and Riker, and pointing out, quite correctly to be fair, how reckless and basically terribly our heroes are viewed by a colleague.

It does make me wonder if they are using s3 as a backdoor pilot series for a Titan show. Much like Discovery s2 with the Enterprise sets and SNW main cast, they have a Titan set, costumes and bridge crew (who are already more memorable than Discovery’s crew after 4 seasons…)

I haven’t been the biggest fan of Raffi, but I am not minding her buddy cop-esqu side story this season. I am disappointed that, throughout all of Picard, I am not particularly enjoying Seven being back. I’m a Voyager fan and Seven was one of the highlights of the show. In Picard I’m struggling to link the character to what they built in Voyager and find her no way near as interesting.


Ro’s return was a nice surprise I wasn’t expecting. We can add her to the list of alumni that have been killed in Picard: Icheb, Maddox, Hugh, Data (again), Picard v1, Q and now Ro. Hopefully they keep it at that.

The scene where the


damaged Intrepid raised it’s shields and rose back into view of the Titan was brilliantly menacing and acted by the Tian crew. Amazing how foreboding they made the Intrepid become. One of my favourite scenes of the season so far.

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I know, late to the party.

But I am really having a blast with this.

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Saw the first two episodes of PICARD Season 3, and then took a break. After the comments here, I watched the three others that have been released last night, and was pleasantly surprised. As I have stated, I am not a huge fan of the way television shows are constructed now, but each episode felt both complete in itself, and also forwarded the overall narrative in a substantial fashion.

For me, too often the forward movement portions of an episode are meted out with an eye dropper, and hour-long segments have about 14 minutes worth of action. But the episodes so far have had a nice heft to them, with the fifth one being my favorite to date.


If there was one thing a Wednesday series needed to get right it was the character of Wednesday. Fortunately Jenna Ortega absolutely nailed the role and was definitely the best thing about it. She takes a similar approach to Christina Ricci but with Wednesday being older this time she’s able to make the role her own. The rest of the Addams’s were more of a mixed bag. I thought Fred Armisen was good as Fester but was less keen of Luis Guzman as Gomez. This was weird as I loved the casting when it was announced, his performance seemed off and lacked the energy and exuberance you’d normally associate with the character.
The supporting cast was decent with Emma Myres and Gwendoline Christie being the stand outs for me. Joy Sunday also managed to do some interesting things with the ‘mean girl’ character. I didn’t care for the love interests so much though.
However the big thing is the story and while I feel what was there was decently executed I’m still not convinced that giving Wednesday psychic visions and sending her to magic school was necessarily the best approach. There’s just something inherently wrong in a scenario were the Addams family aren’t the weirdest part of the story. I can’t help but feel that using this cast but having Wednesday navigate an ordinary high school, glimpsed in the first episode, would have made a better series.
Still, I did enjoy what we got and will be watching season 2, mostly for Jenna Ortega.

Picard season 3 ep6- the series is finally what I signed on for! The TNG crew have a natural chemistry that is just a joy to watch, it also points out the problem with Picard as a series, the new ones don’t work. They’re a bunch of leads in different series, not an ensemble, this episode works because it leans on the ensemble who work and cuts off the “kule” new ones.



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Picard Ep. 6 was fantastic. Great writing to give us what we wanted without just throwing it in there.



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Picard ep8


Data’s total victory is such a joy to watch.

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It‘s a lovely moment in an episode I enjoyed a lot, with


the crew finally together - and surprisingly, Amanda Plummer plummeting to her end.

She was so deliciously chewing the scenery, savoring every syllable of her dialogue, every rise and fall of her sentences, I wonder whether she had to prepare all of that or could deliver it just from her personality. In any event, one of those performances which skirt the overacting but stay firmly in that precious zone of great weirdness.


Beautifully put. I love actor commitment to genre.

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They cancelled Westworld for this?!?!?!:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Chuck Lorre: TV’s Woody Allen now: getting his projects made, when he should be given a rest.

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“Why would I make new shit when I can just play Big Bang reruns!?!?”

Only slightly paraphrasing Zaslav

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Also: Harry Potter on Max (as it is now rebranded), with this hilarious statement…

„Each season will be authentic to the original books and bring Harry Potter and these incredible adventures to new audiences around the world, while the original, classic and beloved films will remain at the core of the franchise and available to watch globally.”

In other words: yes, we will milk this for another decade after „Fantastic Beasts“ were such a dud and we thought this franchise was dead - but even if we remake these films as a tv series now, please keep on streaming the old movies also because… you know… Max!“

Nice to know he is being remembered:



Finally the series I wanted to see!