Forum Game: The Ultimate James Bond Quote Conversation

“The very words I live by”

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“You only live twice, Mr. Bond.”

“Just once.”

“No more?”

“ I’d rather not go at all. “

“You’re a cocky little bastard, aren’t you?”

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“I am invincible!”

“You really are quite insane”

“What a pity it is you persist in being so businesslike.”

“ It comes from growing up in tough neighborhood. “

“I spent years trying to get away from that place. I don’t want to go back.”

“Then don’t. I couldn’t care less.”

“ I am more concerned about an atomic bomb exploding on a U.S. Air Force base!! "

“Really? What’s the penalty for that?”

“First: a necklace of death about the Earth. Fifty globes, each releasing its nerve gas over a designated area, each capable of killing 100 million people. The human race, as you know it, will cease to exist. Second: a rebirth, the rise of a new world.”

“Boys with toys.”

“Observe, Mr. Bond, the instruments of Armageddon.”

Tight in all the right places, not too many buttons.

“Still press here, do I?”

“It’s blown up! The enemy, I repeat, the enemy has blown up!”