Forum Game: The Ultimate James Bond Quote Conversation

“That’s what I call solar power.”

" Well, tell him to pull out! Immediately! "

“That’s no problem.”

“I think he’s attempting re-entry sir”

“It’s entering the earth’s atmosphere.”

“It’s getting hot.”

“It’s getting redder”

“Mrs. Pearson called, seems there’s a dog that’s foaming all at the mouth. She’s got it locked up in the shed, wondering if you’d like to come over and shoot it for her.”

“ Oh you have a doctorate in that too? “

“No, ma’am, I’m with the economy tour.”

“I think I’m never going to fly with anyone else.”

“If that’s how you want enter the United States, that’s fine by me, but personally I prefer the easy way”

“This is it gentlemen. Now we just wait and pray.”

" Excellent. Time for a drink."

“Let me have your glass. I’ll get you some ice.”

“…If you can spare it.”

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“Any more in the other case?”

“Don’t touch that! It’s my lunch!”

“ Must you touch everything? “

“You know, James and I shared everything. Absolutely everything.”