Forum Game: The Ultimate James Bond Quote Conversation

“Blow up your pants.”

“You can turn off the charm, I’m immune.”

“But you’re laughing at it.”

“Do you expect me to talk?”

“The least we can expect from you now is some plain, solid work.”

“Don’t worry, it’s all wrapped up.”

“We should get them in the stores for Christmas.”

“Let me guess , thumb screws and hot coles?”

“Everything for a man on holiday.”

“Oh pipe down, 007.”

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« Was it something I said? »

“He always did have an inflated opinion of himself.”

« So does England »

“Well, it’s all a matter of perspective.”

“Well I’ve always fancied a trip to South Africa…”

“Then can you think of a reason why we can’t go for a drink afterwards?”

“The least we can expect from you now is a little plain, solid work.”

“Do the job in hand.”

“Any higher, Mr. Bond, my ears will pop.”

“He always did have an inflated opinion of himself.”