Forum Game: The Ultimate James Bond Quote Conversation

“I never learned to read.”

“My girl, there’s some things that just aren’t done.”

“I’ve f----d this up, haven’t I.”

“Not exactly our finest hour.”

“Forty minutes!”

“That doesn’t give us very much time.”

“Long enough for a sniper to make strawberry jam of him.”

“Is the julep tart enough for you?”

“The brand on the list was questionable, sir, so I took the liberty of choosing something else”

“Do me a favour will you, pour that down the toilet, Cut out the middle man”

“That’s my lunch!”

“Mmmm…Royal Beluga… North of the Caspian.”

“Too bad we don’t have any champagne”

“Would you like some Glühwein?”

wincing “perfect”

“You’re sensitive, Mr. Bond.”

“You’re quite a girl, Pussy”

“Some other time, perhaps.”

“Not after what we’ve just done.”

“What would our superiors say?”