Forum Game: The Ultimate James Bond Quote Conversation

“Tell him to pull out! Immediately!”

“I can’t, I’m aiming at Bond”

“You’re not thinkin’ of…”

“Im keeping the British end up sir”

“One of these days you guys are gonna learn just to drop it.”

“Laissez tomber!”

" Records just sent over this translation…"

“Who is… your floor?”

“Your accent… Georgian?”

“You always were a cunning linguist, James.”

“Still, beats looking cleverer than you are.”

“On yogurt and lemon juice?”

Or sour cream


“Do you mind putting that in English for those of us who don’t speak spy?”

“It means the Russians can track our nuclear submarines underwater and sink them”

“That is precisely the kind of attitude that tempts me to suspend you, 007!”

“Hire me or fire me, it’s entirely up to you.”

“We’re not a country club OO7!”

“I agree, we use live targets as well.”