"Maybe no one will notice..."

That was “see” WWIII, but your interpretation makes more sense.

Maybe no one will notice that Kananga is hardly a math whiz. “I gave you a fifty-fifty chance. You weren’t even close.” Solitaire could be either completely right or completely wrong—there was no “close.”


True - but I think the close was meant to be in relation to the number of the watch Kananga rattled off?

Maybe it’s even easier than that: As a one-of-a-kind device from Q-Branch, there’s no serial number at all.

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In Solitaire’s defense, any deck of cards with “007” printed all over them is probably incapable of supporting an impartial reading.


Sorry if this one has been mentioned before

Maybe no one will notice that the gunfire pattern on the truck in LTK was the start of the Bond theme.

It was pointed out in the BTS documentary on the DVD

Those DVD documentaries are very keen on pointing out things that would go on this thread.

Blast those documentaries, lol.

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Those things couldn’t be anymore made for fans. I do miss those.

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Agreed, the last few bluray releases are very light on special features

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The market has died out unfortunately.

Pity they had so much behind the scenes info

Many a BTS documentary in the future will surely cover it.

Best thread I could think of to put this…

An oddity I happened to see while watching Dr. No and I wanted to see what everybody else thought -

Right when M says "“when do you sleep, 007” you can see an envelope that, to my 46 year old eyes, looks like it reads “On His Majesty’s Service.” You definitely need to be looking at a large screen TV to read it.

Funnily enough in other shots it’s not there.



Never noticed it. But it proves again how far in advance EON plots the series. :nerd_face:


I really cannot say from this shot whether it’s His or Her. If it’s indeed ‘His’ I assume it may have been an original folder the props department bought in bulk from the Ministry of Works. Looks like an ordinary file folder and these things were probably phased out over a number of years. While going through many hands they are basically sturdy and good for decades of service.

Would also make sense for props to buy such stuff. It looks authentic, would be cheap and who is really going to notice such a detail? Especially since real government departments possibly used them for quite a bit longer. :man_shrugging:t3:


It’s “His” (see my screenshot). One could also assume that it has been in M’s use for more than a decade (when Bond enters M’s office, the calendar on the right side of the door is from February 1962, exactly 10 years after coronation) and that he just hasn’t thrown it away out of nostalgia or lazyness.


Interesting! Thanks, gents!

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What I always aks myself, when watching TSWLM, what happened to the crew of the Russian submarine? Maybe I miss something, but I don’t think you see them being freed and fighting with the rest of the English and American crews in the tanker against Stromberg’s men. Are they just forgotten by the writers, or what?

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I always thought it was these guys but it wouldn’t surprise me to find out I’m wrong…