News on NO TIME TO DIE (no spoilers)

Clarkson would be very good, as it’s only cinema she’s a newcomer to, having directed some incredibly cinematic TV, in both the UK and the US, for over 20 years. I loved her work for Kudos in particular (Hustle, Life On Mars)


S.J. Clarkson…not sure she’s ready for bond imo. I know about Trek, but that too seems like the studios knee jerk reaction to #me too, rather than a considered choice; I don’t think a man with her tv resume would’ve gotten the gig.

Life on mars was amazing and she’s done 3 eps of Dexter - also a great show. But almost everything else is just one ep of each series (defenders was pretty poor). She’d probably prove me wrong but I don’t want to take that chance on our twice a decade bond movie.

A female director would be great, but I’d prefer the calibre of Katheryn bigelow or lyne ramsey.

Can’t comment on American animals as I haven’t seen it, but this list screams out ‘beggers can’t be choosers’! I’d rather wait an extra year for a better director.

Careful there, Sir. Clarkson is highly regarded and in demand. She has proven to draw great performances, direct visually and to work under high pressure and budget demands within established frameworks. She is perfect for Bond. And her career reminds me of Martin Campbell´s pre-Goldeneye.

Let’s not get blindsided by directors of prestige films. Bigelow is a great director - but her high profile films do not make her more qualified, just more publicized.

That list is not “beggars can’t be choosers” to me, rather “we are looking for people who have impressed repeatedly in difficult work circumstances, be it an independent production or the constrained tv series”.

In other words: they are looking again (thankfully) for people who embrace teamwork.


I knew I had that coming :face_with_head_bandage:

You obviously recall the eps of those shows she’s directed, in which case I bow to your informed opinion. Were her eps particularly outstanding?

Like I said in my last post, she’d probably prove me wrong.

But I have to disagree regarding bigelow; she is indeed more qualified with an incredible directing cv going back to the 80s (I love her neo noir vampire pic Near Dark). So if she were available and interested her cv and experience would make her a better choice over Clarkson. I’d bet that if Eon or Paramount had the option they would think so too.

We love to disagree! :grinning:

But I’m really curious: which film of the rather small body of work Bigelow has on her cv do you also love, apart from NEAR DARK?

For me, I actually do not enjoy Bigelow´s work enough to wish she would do Bond. I liked THE HURT LOCKER - but I thought ZERO DARK THIRTY was more style than substance, as most of her films appear to me. STRANGE DAYS, BLUE STEEL - interesting ideas, but enjoyable films? No, not for me.

Something about her style always leaves me cold. Too much style, in fact, instead of emotional connection.

Then there was her debacle “K 19” - what a mess, despite the great actors in it.

Summing up: for my taste, Bigelow´s style is too much “in your face”, bombarding the viewer with fast edited footage and sound effects, instead of letting the story unfold unobtrusively.

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I like her Point Break; ludicrous in a good way. I think she shoots and cuts action very well, always giving it a gritty realism, rather than the staged affairs of other tent pole directors (though when ‘staged’ is staged well I love that too).

But, yes, I see your point. She can be too dependent on a style that gives her works a documentary feel that’s a little cold (Detroit suffers from this a little).

Yep, you’re right, she’s not a great choice for Bond unless she redescovered that element of fun and indulging in the genre she had with Near Dark and Point Break.


This is something, they want excell in a very tight schedule and whose direction is still of note despite working in a medium that puts more emphasis on the writer (generally, not true of all) so I imagine directors with a lot of TV experience will take priority over those who like to get involved at a script level. Basically they’re looking for a new Martin Campbell.

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In the October 2019 scenario, definitely.

The agents of directors who haven’t cracked the big time yet will be inundating Eon with resumes after reading this Variety report.

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Justin Kroll completes his news…

FWIW, watched American Animals this past weekend and enjoyed it immensely. His resume is short but the film was compellingly delivered to the screen, with a relatively “unfamiliar” cast. Without wanting to be a spoiler, there were some “off-beat” ideas that were presented with some style and without calling attention to themselves.

Don’t know what my opinion means in regards to Bond 25 but I would recommend the film.

Even just the potential of SJ Clarkson getting hired is getting outlets excited, which I’m sure will be a major pro for hiring her.

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The guy with an office at EON who was giving inside details of the situation pressed that the only way to turn this around, PR-wise, would be hire the series’ first female director. Looks like he may have been on to something.


She is perfect for Bond. And her career reminds me of Martin Campbell´s pre-Goldeneye.

Interesting comparison between Clarkson and Campbell - and I’ll be forever grateful that EON took that chance :grin:

But I agree with odd-jobbies’ assessment, that it’s hard for we normal folk to judge Clarkson’s suitability to Bond from her current filmography. By 1995, Campbell at least had one or two TV movies and miniseries (including most pertinently to Bond, Reilly Ace of Spies) under his belt, which would have given fans like us a better idea of his potential than Clarkson’s largely episodic work across many shows.

Nevertheless, my only objection to EON hiring Clarkson is that it would take her off Star Trek 4, which I’m almost as keen to see happen as Bond 25…

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Problem is, the series’ first female director would have to be willing first to go with the script they have - which wasn’t making things easier from the go and will get ever more difficult with each week. It’s really either now or they have to give them (whoever ‘them’ happens to be) a proper chance to develop a script of their own - in their own time.

We’re heading for mid-September and shooting will have to start next January, plus the setpieces and stunts and locations will have to be worked somehow into the project, regardless whether the director likes them or not. All that means busybusybusy working their a*ses off between now and January.

The film does 1 or 2 Kirk problems to deal with before it goes anywhere…

The film does 1 or 2 Kirk problems to deal with before it goes anywhere…

:laughing: I thought there were one or two million greenback problems…


Thing is, there is no component of Bond she hasn’t tackled in her career at some point, even if never all at once - she ticks most boxes with just Hustle and Jessica Jones.

That’s reassuring to hear! I don’t remember Hustle too well - other than I enjoyed it in passing. I still haven’t seen Jessica Jones, unfortunately.

Tbh I have utter faith in EON’s ability to shortlist the right directors. The interesting question is whether or not they unexpectedly plump for an A-list, Oscar-credited director again, or return to “talented hacks” (for lack of a better phrase).

Busy indeed. But not necessarily a bad situation for an incoming director to work with an existing script.

Only the auteurs want to do just their own take on a story and demand a full rewrite.

The others come in and do what really is their job: they direct. Naturally there will also be new ideas which will be written into the script resulting in changes. But every writer worth their fee will do those changes within 1-2 weeks or faster.

I love to work with those directors. They respect the writer and the work already done.


Jessica Jones was fantastic, with great performances all through the series ( haven’t watched season 2 yet )