News on NO TIME TO DIE (no spoilers)

We need some new and true spoilers asap.



Couldn’t resist


Yes, I usually leave the board until after I’ve seen the movie. I may just avoid this thread since some posters seem unable to help themselves spoiling it for others.

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With all due respect, your job may require a complete blackout of all media via phone, TV, laptop, tablet, print and indeed conversation by the water cooler.

This board alone will not be the sole reason for your disappointment

with what? We don’t know anything with which to spoil!


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I’ve always been able to do it for the previous movies.

Much like EVERYTHING that is immediately said about Psycho is a spoiler if you watch the film. The shower scene, the mother and Norman Bates are all HUGE plot twists, but anyone who see’s that film now knew All that before hand.

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I’m sure none of our members is intentionally aiming at spoiling the BOND 25 experience for others. As I already said above, the mere fact of speculative discussion on here will by default be hit and miss. More often miss - but once or twice hit. Where to draw the line?

Somewhere in the datafoam that constitutes this thread I expressed a wish about how to possibly conceive the angle of Bond’s relationship status more interesting. Weeks later it could - or maybe not - turn out to be true. And might be considered - perhaps - a spoiler insofar as people who want to go entirely blank into BOND 25 wouldn’t want to know about it.

Something like this doesn’t happen intentionally. But there’s also no way how we could prevent it, given our raison d’ĂȘtre is to discuss Bond. And here news on BOND 25 in particular.



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Beat 'ya to it!!! :wink: Aston Martin James Bond & more - #28 by aus89


Yes and no. They’ve cast two new Bond girls for this movie, logic dictates Bond will sleep with at least one of them. That’s a precedent that’s never been broken.

I generally would agree with you, but it’s the publicized return of Madeline that throws a wrench into this. Given that we have been told by EON numerous times that Madeline is returning, the claim that Craig and a different Bond girl are having a sex coach can be more spoilerific than it would have been in basically any other circumstance.

That being said, I’m not too worked up about this particular spoiler. I just think that if members feel comfortable posting it on this thread (given what we know about Seydoux 's return), then I am a bit nervous that bigger spoilers may find their way here as well.

Told by the Daily Mail, a paper that have had to make several public apologies for more serious lies than this would be.

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Or both at the same time :wink:


Frankly, if anything wouldn’t the spoiler be Seydoux’s return, rather than a supposed hiring of a coach?

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Craig having surgery.


He must be pretty pissed off.

I think this depends on the particular sensitivities of the individual trying to remain spoiler free. Personally (and I can only speak for myself), I’m basically okay with anything EON themselves feed us-- press releases, the Jamaica filming launch event, trailers, and TV spots. So I’m okay with cast and locations and EON’s official synopsis. Beyond that, things can get a little dicey.

But I recognize that others may be more or less sensitive to spoilers than I am.


I imagine the Universal “move for more money” acts as a nice safety net for that.