NO TIME TO DIE Spoilers (production pictures & videos)

The cables are vertical and not horizontal leading me to speculate it’s an elevator (lift) of some type, or am I over analyzing?

A bell tower?

A castle drawbridge.

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It’s to haul his fee around.


A mine? With a villain’s lair inside?


I wondered this based on a photo we saw with a winding road that entered a tunnel inside a mountain. Made me speculate a lair inside that mountain.


The Svalbard Global Seed Vault genetic depositories designed to withstand an extinction event are located in Norway…


The seed vault is an attempt to ensure against the loss of seeds in other genebanks during large-scale regional or global crises.

Could our villain be hoping to reboot civilisation by releasing a virus, then hiding in his Noway crypt with his specimens ready to play god when the last of us are worm food?

Sure it’s just ‘seeds’, but i can see P&W using that as a jumping off point for human genes, with a Drax-esque garden of eden plan to repopulate.

And then there’s the obvious link between a seed bank and a ‘garden of death’. Then of course there’s garden of death/garden of eden. A semi talented bond scriptwriter will join the dots in the blink of a cliche.

…Getting a deja vous… Think i might’ve suggested this before somewhere, but whiskey fogs the memory!

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Well it could be, but diagrams of the facility that are available online do not show any lifts, not that they could add it for the film.

QOS hotel was an observatory. Bond and reality have a complex relationship.


I thought this location was rumored and discussed before, but everything I could find was this: News on NO TIME TO DIE (no spoilers) :grin:

Almost every article about it mentions that it looks like the entrance to a Bond villain’s lair. Spitsbergen is a rather emote location, they could have gone there, shoot some establishing exterior shots and no one would have noticed. And the interior shots completely at 007 Stage in Pinewood…


An outrageous world domination plot and a modernist secret lair: I’d totally be there for that!


Perhaps most refreshing: former love interests or previous incarnations/relationships of Bond would not be centre stage in this scenario. Could still turn out to be off the mark.

And yet…


“Where are we going?” - “Back in time.”

Bond as a chimney sweep in the Victorian era? :sweat_smile:


That’s why he’s wearing braces, they are a cunning harness

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The name of Malek’s villain revealed:

EDIT: I see that @CBn007 has already linked this through Twitter.


A great film needs a great villain, so I’m happy to hear Malek puts Bond through the ringer.

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I wonder if he will have exploding tennis ballsMarat-Safin-887233

So, we got a name…

And that she will keep hers. Wow, that is such a step forward.

…have you ever noticed how tabloid “sources” don’t talk like real people?