Tenet (2020) - Christopher Nolan

A good one - goes well with Shane Rimmer having a cameo in Batman Begins alongside Nolan’s first leading man

First set pics!

Seems to be a big week for spies taking city walks…

Is it a period thing? I can’t tell from their dress.

No idea. Being a Nolan film, we’re given very little information. We know it’s “an action epic evolving from the world of international espionage”

And that’s it. Pattinson’s shoes have a 20’s vibe to them I suppose, but then his blatantly dyed hair would count against that as a period. I’m grasping at straws here.

Yeah, it could be early 20th century or it could be very stylised. Hard to say. Maybe it’s all a dream…

Definitely Nolan’s MO. I remember no one knowing at all what the hell Interstellar was until it was released…I wish I still didn’t know.

To each his own, it wasn’t my cup of tea. I wasn’t in love with the cast, a collection of actors and actresses who are typically great, but IMO didn’t gel well in this film. It could be down to the complicated plot or the typically weak Nolan dialogue (again, my opinion).

I always find him rather overrated, although Interstellar disappointed me less than most. Folks seem to find him much cleverer than he actually is. The (un)surprise endings of the magician one and Inception are cases in point. Actually, Inception pretends to be a cliffhanger when it can’t be.

Well you’ve taken me a bit literally on ‘cliffhanger’: I didn’t mean it was leading into another film, just that it tried to make the audience whether it was real or not, but that of course made no sense.

Maybe, it’s not for us to say the director’s intent. But if that’s not what he was intending he should have done it in a different way.

Fair enough: he mucked it up then.

I suspect you’ll find an awful lot of people took as intending some sort of cheap cliffhanger- I know for a fact they did in fact: just google ‘Inception ending’ and check out all of the ‘real or not?’ articles. Doesn’t it even cut away tantalisingly as the top has a little wobble? It’s ten years or so since I saw it.

Okay; calm down, I’m not forcing you. I’m not looking to be right; just pointing out that I’m hardly the only one to have missed the director’s intention because, in my opinion, he got it wrong. There’s no reason to feel threatened by that.

I’m not sure why you’d think I feel any different. I’m presenting you with a different view in fact.

I’m not looking to upset anyone: I can have interest in his works whilst still not feeling him to be perfect. As I said above, Interstellar was interesting to me; I recently watched Dark Knight Rises for the first time and I found it an improvement on the second one. I feel like you’re taking this personally…?

There are always “haters” out amongst us. The issue in the 21st Century is, despite them being in the overwhelming minority we give them WAY more creed and say than they deserve. Everybody’s entitled to an opinion, but that is all it is, an opinion. I for one love Nolan for his uniqueness, but I’m not a worshiper by any means.

Maybe you need a break. Just because people have different opinions it doesn’t mean they’re out to exhaust you.
I’ll be sure not to say that I don’t think Nolan is perfect again on this thread if it’ll help. It’s shame we can’t actually have a conversation, but there we go.


Appears to be the stylised way the title be shown on posters etc.

Set video has people speculating a time travel element to the film (which I have a vague memory was speculated before)

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Reminds me of the Inception scene in which the city rolls upon itself, so that it’s looking down at itself.

Conscious or not, this appears to be a Nolan theme; wonder how this theme would/will manifest in Bond.

Do you not think 14 year olds might be more likely to be the ones throwing sweary tantrums every time someone dares to criticise something they like? Chill out, mate.



we’re bound to encounter, time and again, sentiments and positions which will challenge our own. That‘s a simple fact of life and doesn’t mean we’re forced to agree, nor to disagree. CBn is not the ultimate court case Good vs Bad or Truth vs Untruth.

When we’re debating topics it would be a failure if we all agreed on the same points. There will, for example, be a natural tendency to like the films and the adventures of James Bond in general - otherwise, what good would be partaking in a Bond forum when you hate them? Other than smelling your own foul decay, perhaps… - but within this shared interest there’s bound to be a wide variety of personal opinion, reflection and experience that will naturally also stretch across other topics, related or not to Bond.

CBn has always been striving to handle discourse in this vein. And will always continue to do so. Well argued discussion - that means giving a reasoned opinion supported by actual example, fact and/or logic conclusion - is the basis of our dialogue.


Nolan using many a Bollywood talent for TENƎꓕ, something my wife is very happy with.

I leave @Dustin to take it from here, given he has the patience of a god.

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