Welcome to the new CBn forums!

Welcome to our new forums!

We’re in the process of inviting all of our forum members to our new forum. It’s a new forum system, so things look and behave a little differently, but please hang with us as we fine tune things.

While the forums located at debrief.commanderbond.net will remain active while we migrate users across, in the coming weeks it will switch to read only mode and will exist as an archive of discussions. Unfortunately, we were unable to migrate all content across to our new forum. However this is always lots to discuss, and please feel free to start up topics and conversation again.


The new place looks great, now kindly point me to the Commanders Club!

New digs. Very nice.

Still has that New Forum smell.

Thanks for the invitation! Love the new digs. :slight_smile:

How do we upload a photo to use as an avatar? I can’t seem to work that out.

Register at Gravatar.com, with the email address you signed up with here, and then upload an avatar.

Thanks, I will give that a try.

byline: Thanks, I will give that a try.

Looks like it worked fine, byline.

A clean forum just drives better.

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Hi everyone and thanks for the invite TheAdmiral. New forum looks great!



Godspeed to this new forum!

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Thanks for the invite! Looks good, was able to use my old forum name too!

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Many thanks for the heads-up. The new place looks nice…

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Thanks. Finally, here I am.

Old ggl now is ggl007. Oh, well…

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Great design, very slick!

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Happy to be here!! Long time fan of CBn!


Thanks for the invite!

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It has that nice New Forum smell.

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Very cool!!! But how do I upload a profile picture?

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My respects, admiral. I look forward the next chapter of the CBn forums!

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