NO TIME TO DIE first trailer (spoiler-free discussion) - Poll added

It all seems as if Bond entering Safin´s lair and talking with him is part of the last act - but who knows? Clever misdirection might be part of the whole enterprise.

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Would be a huge risk to dump a popular lead actor Oscar winner for a proven unpopular villain (I thought Waltz was great, but that doesn’t seem to be the general consensus). But no guts, no glory!


Conventional but effective:

And it begins…

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Something that just occurred to me… It was rumoured a while back that safin’s weapon is biological. I don’t know if that’s been confirmed or debunked.

So, even if the release date is pushed back until the worse is over, how will it play to have a movie about a bio-weapon in the wake of a pandemic.


Didn’t OHMSS do that?

In terms of the story, yes!

In terms of opening after a real world global pandemic, not that I know of!

New footage


Zimmer’s score?

Also, it’s a submaglider! Now we know how it lands, or where.

My gut feeling would be yes. And if so, I’m very happy! Lots of great new stuff there! The sets look amazing; best they’ve looked in decades!

Very Zimmer-ish score, and exciting to see the plane in the water scene.


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4 posts were merged into an existing topic: NO TIME TO DIE Spoilers (production pictures & videos)

It’s looks better with each trailer. And releasing a trailer now isn’t what you’d expect from the studio if they’re considering a long delay. I guess they’re intending to go ahead until they’re ordered otherwise.

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Convenient timing

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We were so close!

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“I’ll have a Corona, shaken not stirred.” Ouch.

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