What do you think about the NTTD release date?

Delaying NTTD also means: no BOND 26 before November 2025 or later, depending on what new threat there will be… :sunglasses:

Still a Chargers fan, my friend, even though they are L.A. now? :wink:

A good opportunity to go for another 43 million views by trying out another artist :wink:

Will likely need a whole new teaser campaign.

New designs, as the last round will by then be considered dated.

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That’s certainly probable now, sadly. I think it will be November 2026 at best. (On the plus side, it shall mean Tom Hardy is even older and therefore won’t be cast.)

As I’m always hoping for Eon to sell, I hope NTTD crosses a billion dollars and they finally decide to do it. Then, at least, we might get Bond 26 at the end of 2023 (judging by how quick Disney re-launched Star Wars - they turned it around in three years). But maybe I’m just a dreamer.

Already eBay has the teaser 1 Sheet for £475 - because it is a cancelled campaign for a postponed film!

I think they will - or, at least should - make a new song for the closing credits. LTK had two songs, after all. They could then send it to radio, get airplay and raise awareness for the film. (Might cause some confusion, mind).

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Maybe they can start working on the BOND 26 script…?! (He says, clutching at as many straws as possible)


They should have the script locked down, along with the new Bond actor, so they can announce production has started for Bond 26 to coincide with the release of the movie in November.

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yes I am. What can you do…I’m excited about getting a new QB in April and I hope it’s Justin Herbert.

Ozark, Money Heist in April. Animal Kingdom in May. Lots to look forward to. and in the fall we’ll have the Witcher, Mandalorian and hopefully Ray Donovan returns and then Bond, Dune…they have some time to get the next one going and maybe a new song and a more polished score.


Well, I just woke up to the news. I won’t lie: I am gutted, but at the same time strangely tranquil. It’s out of our control. The release date has changed and we have to wait much longer. It’s entirely possible this virus will be even worse by November, so it’s still wait and see in regards to that IMO. Interesting to see what they do about the poster campaign and all the dates on those posters.

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I wonder what the plan is for November if the virus is still raging. Another delay until April 2021?

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They would have been crushed financially so I get it. I don’t think corona thrives in summer weather so it should dissipate by then…if you recall Ebola was a 90% mortality rate so this isn’t as bad as it’s been reported on. Mostly older and unhealthy people are dying.

Should this happen, I’m certain that most people will have other worries than the new Bond movie.


In the meantime they can work on bond 26 ideas with writers, they can talk to actors and directors, they can address any misgivings they may have had in the NTTD edit once it was too late to shoot more pick ups. The machine won’t stop, at least not yet.

You got your QB finally now it’s our turn. I loved Rivers but we need a guy who can run for a 1st down when needed.

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if the movie is as good as it looks I expect Cary will be wooed back for a new Bond actor launch. Robert Pattison?

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Hmm. I guess Dynamite’s Reflections of Death comic will still be out soon, and their other monthly comics. But apart from that, the fandom will be going back into another hibernation. We were so close.

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I make my living in marketing and specifically event marketing, which is very similar to media marketing in that you are driving people to get out of their comfy seats for something they can’t get passively in front of any device screen. I would expect a steady trickle of behind-the-scenes material that escalates the closer we get to the new release date. This is a unique situation and one that affords a lot of time to tinker and create new content that could eventually find its way onto a special Blu-ray release.

I could see something similar to what has been done for Peter Jackson films taking place with regular video logs that speak very specifically to aspects of the creative process. I could also see, as was brought up earlier in this thread, a second song being added to promote in the final run-up to release.

My biggest fear is someone illegally leaking a copy to bootleg streaming sources since the movie is in the can; that would be disastrous.


He had my vote, but bats may be a too high profile; likeCavil and supes.